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Reese POV

When we walked into Chris house it was hella niggas in the living room. It kind of made me feel uncomfortable and they were staring. After what just happened I couldn't believe it. I could have died that was scary as hell. We dropped Nia off she had an attitude, Nia doesn't like stuff like this she's so reserved.

" Who the fuck was that ". Chris asked.

He looked pissed his face was red. I wanted to be mad but I signed up for this.

" I haven't heard anything ".

" Well whoever it is wants us dead they gone keep coming back ". Nick said.

I started to go upstairs when I saw one guy staring at me. He winked at me and licked his lips. Ew.


Chris POV

After dropping Nick off at Nia's house I had to handle my business with Reese. She was in bed wearing her see-through robe I bought her on her phone. She looked good in it.

" You good ". I asked taking my clothes off.

" I'll be fine but it was scary ". She say.

" I'm sorry ". I say untying her robe. I positioned her legs up and started kissing her inner thighs.

" It's ok ".

I started to tease her and she hated it.

" Chris stop playing ". She say.

I just gave her what she wanted and she went crazy.


Reese POV

It was really late and I woke up thirsty as hell. Chris takes all the energy from me and I always wake up thirsty or hungry. I grabbed my robe and put it on. I went downstairs and saw Royalty coming in the house through the back door. She was limping and looked a mess.

" Shit Reese you scared me ". She say holding her chest.

" Where are you coming from this late ". I asked.

" None of your business ". She said. I notice a hickey on her neck

" Girl get over ya self ". I say grabbing a water bottle.

" Are you going to tell my dad ". She say.

" I don't know depends ". I said.

" Please don't ".

" Ok ". I say shaking my head.

I went back upstairs and got in bed, Chris pulled me closer to him.

" About time ". He say.

" Shut up ".

I'm really happy with him. He's everything I want he makes me feel like I'm in a dream. I love him. I can't tell him that right now it's too early.

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