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Reese POV

I can honestly say this is the worst trip ever. It feels like I'm constantly being bashed for no apparent reason. Plus I didn't have signal so that's something annoying me.
I came here to have fun not to be judge by some girls who don't even know me.

" I started the jacuzzi up so y'all can hop in ". Nick said.

" Handy man ". Nia joked.

" Have to ". He said flexing his muscles.

" Chris can you hand me my phone ". Lori say bending down. She just wanted to show off her ass in his face.

Ugh I'm just ready to go. Chris is getting this bitch too comfortable.

" Chris can I use your phone I need to call my mom ". I say.

" Yeah it's in the room ". He said.

I went into the room and used the restroom first then went in the room. I sat on the bed and grabbed Chris phone. I saw that brandy was texting him.

" I scheduled an appointment this week are you going to make it " - Brandy

" Fasho " - Chris

" So excited I'm wishing on a girl " - Brandy

" Hell nah I need my son ASAP " - Chris

" We'll this week " - Brandy

I couldn't read anymore and I didn't want to. I didn't know how to feel, so the baby is his.


Chris POV

We all agreed that we should grill and make a dinner and I'm excited to eat some grilled food. Shits amazing almost better than sex.

" Ladies handle the sides ". Q say.

" Of course ". Jp said.

Reese came from the room and she looked like she been crying. Nia looked at me like I knew what was wrong with her. I should be asking her ass that.

" You good ". Jase asked Reese.

She just smiled at him but I knew it was fake. Royalty eyed the fuck out of me like she knew something. She sat in the sitting area and got on her phone.


When I saw Reese her face was red and puffy like she been crying all day. Chris gave me this look like I knew what was wrong. Like nigga that's ya girl.

" You good ". Jase asked.

She gave him a fake smile and she went in the sitting area and got on her phone. I stopped what I was doing and went over towards her.

" Reese you good ". I asked. She didn't say anything or she didn't look at me.

I looked at Chris who was looking over here he came over and sat next to her.

Reese POV

I was just so hurt by Chris how could he do this to me. Why is he lying to me about this.

" Baby what's wrong ". He asked.

Instead of trying to talk I had to hold back my tears from his stupid ass.

" Come on ". He said taking me to the room. He shut the door and I sat on the bed.

"Baby talk to me ".

The way he called me baby I wanted to beat his ass and I got a little mad like it was anger that took over and the sadness went away.

I grabbed his phone and threw it at him. He gave me this crazy ass look.

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