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Chris POV

It felt like a relief get over things with Reese. She's more important than having some petty ass beef. She really is the girl I want to be with forever.

" You can go in let me make this call real quick ". I say to Reese.

" Ok ".

She got out the car and went inside the gas station I had to make a phone call to my moms.

Reese POV

Life feels so much better I'm glad Chris and I are on better terms I missed his ass. I knew something been bothering him he been mad all morning and didn't even eat. He loves my cooking so I knew it was something.

" You can go in let me make this call real quick ". He say pulling into the gas station.

" Ok ".

I got out the car and went inside the gas station.

" Not the noodles ". I say to myself.

I walked around grabbing all the snack I wanted. I swear when you go to a gas station in the city they literally have everything. Shit you didn't know existed. After I grabbed everything I got on this long ass line the worker was slow as hell. I noticed this guy and his friends looking back at me.

" What's up ma you very beautiful ". He said. I gave him that smile white people give people.

" Damn you can speak to a nigga ". He said.

" What do you want me to say ". I say.

" Ma bougie ". He say dapping up his friends. 

" Well let me get ya number maybe I can help you out sometime ". He asked.

" No I'm interested ". I say.

Nowadays when you turn down a nigga they act like you disrespected them.

" You dumb bougie bitch if I wanted you I could have you ". He say getting in my face.

" Aye chill ". Someone said.

" Excuse me yo- ". I was interrupted by Chris walking in.

I swear Chris jacked his ass up and backed him up on the counter. Had that nigga scared for a second.

" Watch who the fuck you talking to b ". Chris say.


We got to Chris house and didn't say anything the whole ride.

" Finally I'm starving ". Royalty say.

" I thought I told you to take out the meat ". I say looking in the freezer and taking out the meat.

" Oh shoot my bad ". She say.

" But dad can a couple of friends come over when you leave later on ". She asked.

Chris didn't say shit he just went to his office and Ro looked at me.

" What do you say ". She asked.

" I don't care but this is your dad house and his rules. I say.

" You're basically his wife and my mom said I'm taking that as a yes ". She said smiling and running to her room before I could say anything.

I was caught off guard she called me her mom. I mean I don't want to take Nia's place as her mom but it kind of felt good hearing it from her. Since our old days.

I went into Chris office and saw him going over some paper work.

" Is everything fine ". I asked.

" Yeah ". He say.

" You sure ".

He looked at me and signaled me to come sit on his lap.

" Before we met I was fighting this case I've been out on bond for a while and now my lawyer is telling me they found evidence that could put me in prison ". He say.

" Chris why haven't you told me ".I say.

" Because I was about to beat it but something came up ". He said.

" Did you do whatever it is ".

" Baby I can't tell you that right now ". He said kissing me.

Chris POV

I've been fighting this murder charge for some time and it's coming back to bite my ass. After cleaning up evidence, paying witnesses off it's like someone know something. That shit crazy but I'm hopping this shit die down until next month. That's when the case is close because they have to evidence or charge on me. I had Rico help me with some of the shit but that's about it. I don't want Reese in it it's best if she don't know anything.

" Royalty's having friends over later ". She say.

" I never said she could ". I said sitting up.

" But I did ". She said smiling.

She kissed me and I pulled her shirt up. I sat her on the desk and pulled her shorts down.

" You love me ". I asked.

" Yes ".


Royalty POV

I had some friends over while my dad do whatever he does but Reese was still here because my dad doesn't trust me alone with other people.

" Ro you didn't tell me you had an older sister ". Nessa said looking at Reese who was in the kitchen eating.

" That's not my sister that's my da- that's my mommy ". I say smiling.

Ever since Reese came back she's been like a mom towards me, but the cool mom who don't play. I call my real mom mama it nice to call Reese mommy.

" Wow she's young ". Hendrix said.

" Black don't crack ". I say.

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