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Reese POV

It's the first day of senior year I'm so excited. I get to see and meet new people. It was like a fresh start I can be anyone I want because who remembers what you did January second.......my point exactly.

" Guys this is it chapter 4 ". I say.

" It feels good ". Chloe say smiling.

We all had homeroom together because this is how we met freshman year in homeroom because around last names.

" I hope we see some fine niggas ". Nia said looking around.

" Girl I want a basketball player ". Chloe added.

" I wouldn't mind a lacrosse player ". I smiled.

" Reese the door ". Nia say point to the door.

" What I'm serious ". I laughed.

" I'm good ". Chloe say.

They never support me on my ideas even when I be playing.

" Y'all never supportive ". I said.

" Girl shut up ".

I hate these bitches I swear.

" I hate y'all ". I smiled.

" We love you too ". Nia say.

I couldn't ask for another pair of best friends.

This guy walked in and he was so fine. He was tall, pretty eyes and juicy lips.

" Damn ". We say in sync.

" Is this Mr.Collins class ". He asked.

" Yes ". Someone said.

He had some pretty teeth on him and he smiled with them. FUCK


It was lunch and I was eating with Nia. Chloe didn't have this lunch with us because she had C lunch. I notice this girl she was really pretty. She was sitting on the table and a lot of people was around her.

" Are you liking your classes ". Nia asked.

" Yeah so far just one more to go ". I say.

"The ones I have are ok at least I have lunch with you ". She smiled.

" Yeah ".

" Remember that night we went to the club ". I say.

" Yeah I had so much fun but you disappeared on us ".

" Where you go ". She asked.

" I kinda blacked out". I lied.

" Girl you got that drunk ". She say laughing.

" It be like that ".

I was going to tell her about Chris but I stopped myself. What if he never calls me I'm wasting my time.

The girl from the other table looked at me and rolled her eyes.

" I know she didn't just ". Nia said.

" Right ". I laughed.

" Right idea but the wrong bitch ". Nia say eyeing her.

" Yes ma'am ".

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