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Chris POV

Just been living my life to the fullest I'm in a happier place then I was before. Finally learned how to control my problems. Royalty still giving me hell but it's been kinda better though I guess. It's been hard trying to be stable it's always something that happens I can never win sometimes but I'm not letting that shit stop me from grinding.

" Babe have you seen my lashes ". Lori asked coming out the kitchen.

" Nah why would I know where them bitches at ". I said.

Lori and I got together about a year ago. It felt good to dip my foot into an old fling. She knew exactly what I liked and she always delivered. Never disappointed me.

" Did you hear about Nia and Nick engagement party ". She said.

" Yeah I got their messages ".

My nigga really getting married. I'm proud of him he finally found someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He figured it out that he wants Nia.

" Who would have thought Nick getting married and actually staying loyal ". She said.

" He deserves it I can tell he really loves her ". I say. The front door opened and it was Royalty

" Hey dad ". She said.

" What's up ".

She didn't say shit to Lori. She gave me hell when I told her Lori and I was getting together. Maybe even worst then last time she don't say shit to Lori.

" How was school ". I asked.

" The same boring ". She said.

" Hey Ro I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to buy some outfits for the party next week ". Lori asked.

" Don't call me Ro and no ". Royalty protested. She went in her room and closed the door.

" Tough cookie ".

" She'll give in soon I can feel it ". She sighed.

" Love the confidence ". I laughed.

Reese POV

Nia's really getting married, wow who would have thought. I'm happy that she found someone she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Especially at her young age I know she's ready to start her little family. Then you have me still looking for a job. At this point I'll take any job that's offering. This is ridiculous I have a fucking degree and I can't find a fucking job.

" My tia pulled some strings and theirs an opening at a hospital ". Ana said.

" Congrats girl I hope you get it ". I say.

" And she made a little request and theirs an offer back home ". She said.

" Ana I told you I didn't know if I was going back ". I sighed.

" Reese you can't stay in New York on your own you already said your mom was moving back and I'm moving ". She say.

" I can make it on my own here by myself ".

" Reese you're taking ya ass back home and that's final ". Ana protested.

Ok maybe I need to stop being stubborn and take my ass back home I'm twenty years old and I know I can't make it here. It's literally so expensive to live here. I know I'll be making good money but going towards a small ass apartment when I can be getting a damn house for the same price. Plus I miss Cross and my dad. Cross and I used to always go out having a fun day.



I'm proud to say that I'm going to be Mrs.Stevenson. Can't believe I'm really getting married to Nick. He's literally the love of my life and we plan on spending our life together forever. After the wedding I want to start a family with him.

" Oh I forgot to tell you Carly is moving back ". My mom said.

" That's nice ".

" Yeah I invited her and Reese to your engagement party ". She said smiling.

It's been a really long time since I talked to Reese. She decided not to tell me she was staying in New York. It's like she planned on it and she knew what she was doing and not tell me, her best friend. Ever since that I never brought her up or anything. I didn't know how to feel about her coming to my party.

" Wow I'll be looking forward to that ". I said.

" You guys need to make up y'all are best friends ". She said.

" I don't know she kind of did some foul things ".

" Girl bye ".

" Mom for real ". I laughed.

The door opened and it was Nick with food in his hand.

" What's up baby ". He say kissing me.

" Hey ". I say grabbing the food.

I'm really going to be marrying this man. His fine ass I'm so in love with him.

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