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Royalty POV

I asked my dad can the cheer group come over to practice since the final tryouts are tomorrow. My dad doesn't like people over so for him to say yes it surprised me. We had to come up with a routine and do traditional ones. Reese said if we need anymore help she'll come by to help us out. I'm pretty sure that won't happen I'm still on the same side with her and my dad. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing too much I'm making my dad choose and I know he can't.

" Ok let's do it again ". I say turning on the music.

Reese POV

I was out shopping with Nia and Chloe. With tryouts tomorrow we were excited to see who makes freshman and JV.

" Our girls are most definitely going to make freshman ". I say.

" Nah JV at least one of them ". Nia say.

" Of course ". Chloe smiled.

My phone rung and it was Char calling me. Ever since I gave them my number they been blowing a bitch up.

" Hello ". I say.

" Reese can you please help us ". She say whispering.

" What's wrong ". I asked putting her on speaker.

" I guess because tryouts are tomorrow we're forgetting the routines and stunts and we're all frustrated ". She say.

" We can come by where are you guys ". I asked.

" We're at Royalty's house ". She say.

" Char I do- ". Nia interrupted me.

" We will be there in fifteen minutes ". Nia say.

" Thanks ". She say before hanging up.

I looked at Nia and she kissed my cheek.

" You'll be fine ". She say.


Chris POV

Royalty had her friends over and she told me to invite people over so they can perform in front of an audience. I'm glad she got herself into something so she want come home being lazy.

" This better be good ". Nick say to Char.

" Dad don't do that ". Char say.

Char, Royalty and Kayla been best friend since diapers. We kept them together so they can have each other.

They were about to start when their was knock at the door.

" Dad who all did you invite ". Royalty asked.

" They all here ". I say.

" I'll get it ". Char said running to the door.

I heard her open the door and I heard a girls voice.

" This is nice as hell ". A girl said.

They all came in and it was Reese and her friends. My heart went to my ass when I saw her.

" Who invited them ". Royalty questioned.

" I did we were forgetting parts of the routine and tryouts are tomorrow ". Char say.

Royalty rolled her eyes and looked at me.

" We can leave ". Reese say.

" No we will not ". One of them said.

" I want to see so if you have it down packed get started ". One girl say looking at Royalty.

" Alright ".

Reese looked at me and looked away. Royalty started and she was starting off good but she messed up.

" Remember what I said keep your leg straight no matter what that will give you extra points ". Reese say.

" It hurts ".

" Have you been doing daily stretches ". She asked.

" Kinda ". Royalty.

" And slow down you have everything right but it looks messy ". One of them say.

" Yeah and smile you look mad ".

" Okay ".

Reese POV

When I saw Chris he looked so fine. But I saw Royalty give me this look. Honestly I could punch her in the forehead right now lemme chill.

" Oh I'm Nia by the way ". Nia say smiling.

" Chloe ".

" Reese ". I say.

When I said that these guys made this face like it shocked them.

" Nice to meet you I'm Nick ". One say.

" Juan but you can call me Daddy ". One said.

" Ew ". Kayla say.

" Chris ". Chris say looking at me.

Chris POV

I walked into the kitchen when Royalty walked in. She had this worry look.

" What's wrong ". I asked.

" Dad I'm sorry for telling you to choose between Reese and me......it feels like I'm not being fair ". She said.

" You don't have to but if you do be with her I'll support it if you'd happy I just don't like that fact she goes to my school ". She added.

" And another girl in your life ". She say.

" You know your my number girl and whatever makes you happy I'm here for it ". I say kissing her forehead.

" Royalty they need you they added a new stunt ". Reese say coming in the kitchen.

" Ok ".

Ro walked out and Reese was about to leave but I grabbed her hand.

" Wait ". I say.

She looked at me and I pulled her to me and kissed her.

" I missed you mama ". I say.

" Chris I don't think this is right ". She say.

" What you mean ". I say.

" This whatever's going on between me and you ". She said.

" Ok ".

She looked at me and walked out.

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