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Reese POV

I was exited to see Nia crazy ass she's been so distant. Only can talk to her at practice or if we're at the studio.

" Not about to sit on the bed yall fuck in ". She say sitting on the couch.

" Shut up ". I say.

" No for real Chris looks like he don't play ". She say giving me the side eye.

" Girl he doesn't but the sex is phenomenal ". I said.

" Ok ew ".

" You know my birthday is coming up ". She added.

" Yes how could I forget ". I say smiling.

" Should I throw a big ass party or keep it simple and go on a trip ".

" Ooh do a trip I need a break ". I said.

" Bet ".

I needed to get away so bad. And I deserve it after the shit I been going through yeah I'm not turning that down.

" I'm hungry ". She said rubbing her stomach.

" Same I don't know what to cook Chris ass barley cook ".

" We can find something ". I say getting up.

" Cool with me ".

We walked out and started going downstairs. I saw Crystal sitting next to Royalty holding her. Should I say something or keep quiet it felt really awkward.

" Uh Nick wants to take me on a date but I don't know where ". Nia say.

" Do something y'all both like to do ".

" That's the thing we only eat and have sex ". She say opening up the cabinets.

" Ooh that's a tough one baby girl ". I joked.

" I don't know ".


I looked up and saw Royalty walking in the kitchen. She gave me this death glare and had her fist balled up.

" Excuse me ". I say.

" GET THE FUCK OUT OUR HOUSE ". She yelled in my face.

" Royalty what the hell ". I say.



Yes. She had the right idea but wrong bitch. She can't be in my face doing all this.

" Back the hell up ". I say moving myself from her.

I saw Crystal coming in the kitchen and she looked at me crazy.

" You're fucking poison to this house you dirty ass slut ".

" My brother would be so much better without your gold digging ass ". She added.

" Why do you care like leave me the fuck alone ". I say.

" Yeah I'm a grown ass women and you're a little ass whore ". She say in my face.

" Well let me beat ya ass like grown ass women ". I say.

" Ok let's all just calm down ". Nia say.

I saw Royalty go in the fridge and opened one of her juices and drink a little and looked at me in my eyes.

" I hope you fucking die ". Royalty say, next thing you know I felt something cold being thrown on me. I just know this bitch did not just throw fucking juice on me.

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