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I called a meeting because I wanted updates on the dresses that I know for sure they didn't get fitted. I just knew some of them didn't have shit together but that's fine I'm on they asses.

" Updates on dresses ". I asked.

" That's my job ". Reese said snatching the notebook from me.

" My dad has yet to pick my dress up ". Royalty said.

" I'm about to beat his ass ". Lori said.

" Tell him to pick it up before the date I sent out ". I say.

" Or you can ride with me I need to go get fitted as well ". I said.

" Bet ".

" So recently Nick added a new groomsmen and I decided that Lori will walk with him ".

Lori POV

Bitch what? I told them Chris and I will be walking down the aisle and now she wants to play.

" No I told you I wanted to walk with Chris ". I protested.

" But the best man and maid of honor walk together ". Nia said.

" It doesn't have to be like that ". I say.

" Not her thinking she can have it her way ". Raya mumbled.

" Not that ". I heard someone say. The front door opened and it was the guys. I saw Chris and he looked at me and smiled.

" Nia we agreed I walk with Chris ". I said.

" We didn't you suggested that yourself I didn't say anything but my maid of honor is walking with the best man ". Nia say. I looked at Reese who was quiet looking directly in my face.

" What's going on ". Nick asked kissing Nia.

" Nothing going over some miscommunication ". She say.

" No it wasn't miscommunicated at all how would you let Reese walk with Chris who's my boyfriend after whatever they had ". I say.

At this point I was annoyed and just wanted to leave I feel like they trying to play me like I'm a sucker.

Chris POV

When we got to Nick house you could feel the tension in the room. I looked at Lori who looked irritated, I saw Ro who was smirking at Lori like something was about to happen.

" What's going on ". Nick asked kissing Nia.

" Nothing going over some miscommunication ". She say.

" No it wasn't miscommunicated at all how would you let Reese walk with Chris who's my boyfriend after whatever they had ". Lori said.

" My wedding has nothing to do with them it's my wedding and I can do whatever I want ". Nia say.

I saw Reese who was giving Lori a disgusted look.

" Well it's a problem when she's fucking him on the side ". Lori say sitting up.

Here we go on some fuck shit. I don't have time for this bullshit and I clearly don't give a fuck about who I walk down the aisle with as long as it's Reese. Nah but let me chill.

" Lori I wish I was fucking him but that's not the case ". Reese said.

" Damn ". Q said.

" I mean if you're threaten by me just say that but listen there'll always be a Reese and Chris ". Reese say.

Reese POV

How the fuck you gone tell someone how to run their wedding like bitch what. The world most definitely don't stop for yo ass. Just dumb as fuck and selfish all because you want to walk with Chris.

" Lori I wish I want fucking him but that's not the case ". I say.

" Damn ". I heard someone say.

" I mean if you're threaten by me just say that but listen there'll always be a Reese and Chris ". I added. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. Yeah bitch ain't got shit to say now.

It was quiet and everyone just stood there silent like they didn't want to say anything.

" As you should ". Royalty say smiling.

Royalty POV

That's the bad bitch Reese I needed she just put Lori ass in her place now she ain't got shit to say but look dumb. I knew my dad liked that shit he couldn't keep his eyes off Reese.

" But I have to go now ". Reese say grabbing her things.

" Alright just call me when you get home or whenever ". Nia say.

" Of course ".

Reese looked at me and smirked then back at Lori.

" Oh and Lori tell Chris to keep his hands off me ". Reese smirked and licked her lips. She left out the door and when I tell you she on her bad bitch shit I love it.

" Just a bad bitch ". Char say.

" Watch ya mouth ". Uncle Nick said.


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