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Chris POV

I had a meeting with my lawyer about this case because they found evidence. I'm ready to get this shit over with. Been fighting this shit too long and I'm tired of it.

" Mr.Brown you're always late when it's something important ". Mandy say.

" I had to handle some business ". I say.

" Please Chris tell me you weren't paying people off ". She asked shaking her head.

" I'm your lawyer it'd the law I don't tell on you ". She added.

" I didn't ".

" Well they have evidence and they have all fingers pointed towards you ".

" I talked with the judge and he's willing to give you ten to fifteen years we're all tired of this cases it's been going on for too long ".She said. Ten to fifteen years in prison. I can't do that shit

" Mandy I can't go to jail ". I said.

" Chris it's out of my hands now ".


River POV

Nick invited everyone over for lunch. I swear Nia has him doing shit I know he wouldn't do before he met her.

" I smell food on the grill ". Chloe said.

" And it smells good ". I say.

" Told you Nick taught me how to grill ". Nia said.

" Speaking of Nick where is guys ". Chloe asked.

" Chris called a last minute meeting but they should be here any moment ". I say.

" Oh ".

I wanted to tell them about Chris and I making a little bundle of joy but it's too soon plus I'm not pregnant. I have doubts because of my miscarriage, what if I can't get pregnant. That would change my life I know they say you can adopt but it's not the same.

" Y'all know my birthday day next week and I been trying to tell y'all but y'all don't care ". Chloe say.

" Girl shut up we told you we was going out of town ". Raya say walking out the bathroom.

" It's next week and we ain't get shit or plan shit ". Chloe said.

" Chloe we have it handled just come cute and behaved ". Nia said laughing.

" It better be amazing ". She say.

The front door opened and it was the guys. They seemed off like quiet and stand-off ish.

" About time ". I say smiling.

Reese let me talk to you and Ro ". He say.

Royalty and I looked at each other and followed Chris outside.

" What's up ". Royalty asked.

He looked at me and Royalty like he's about to drop a load on us.

" Y'all know I've been fighting this case for some time now and they made a decision and I took it ". Chris say.

" What do you mean you took it ". Royalty protested.

Please God don't tell me what I think he's about to say.

" I have to do some time ". He say. It was like my whole world was being destroyed.

" Dad no you can't go I need you ". Royalty say crying.

" Baby I know but I promise it's going to go fast I'll be home before you know it ". Chris say pulling her in a hug.

I didn't know how to feel I wanted to cry but I knew Chris didn't want me to.

" You're supposed to watch me graduate ". She say.

" Ro I'm sorry ".

" Nothings going to change you have Reese ". He say.

" Dad no this isn't far why now I need you now ". She said through her tears. She stormed off into the house and Chris looked at me.

" Baby girl be strong for me ". He say holding my waist.

" I'm giving you everything I have I want you to watch over Ro for me ". He said.

" I know we supposed to start a family but I promise you when I get out we're going to start our family ".

" Don't cry Reese everything's going to be ok ". He added. He wiped my tears and pulled me in a hug.

" I can't do this without you ". I said.

" You can I trust you with everything ".

He held me tight, I didn't want him to let me go.

" I love you ". He said.

" I love you too ".

Chloe POV

Um what the fuck. This happened so fast I know Reese and going through it especially Ro.

" You leave tonight ". Nia asked.

" Yeah Rico gone drop me off ". Chris said.

I looked at Reese she just had a blank face it was like she didn't have any emotions.

" Well we don't have to make it sad let's turn up for the one time ". Q say.

Reese POV

What am I going to do with him.

The End.

Would y'all want a second book to this? 

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