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Reese POV

I was at my dads house with Nia she wants to spend the day with me. Knowing she just wants a invite to tomorrow's dinner. I hate dressing formal like it's not me.

" Nia how's your mom ". My dad asked.

" Good she always ask about you ". Nia said smiling.

" Ew ".

" I bet she does ". My dad say.

" So I hear we're having a dinner what time should I come ". Nia said.

" Nice move ". I say.

" Umm about eight ". My dad laughed.

My dad and Nia's relationship is like father and daughter. Nia dad isn't in her life but she's really close to my dad. She calls him dad and people think we're sisters.

" That sounds about right ". She say.

" Are you going to bring a guest ". He asked.

" Depends ".

" She is and I bet you'll like him ". I say.

" I'm sure hope their good ". He said.

" Dad you know I have immaculate taste ". Nia said shading me.

" Bye ".

" We'll see ". Dad say walking away.

" Bitch ". I say.

" You mad ". She said.

I saw Cross coming downstairs looking like his damn daddy.

" Is that my favorite brother ". Nia say.

" Hi Nia ". He said.

" How was school ". I asked.

" Good ".

" That's good ".

" I heard y'all got pizza without me ". Nia say.

" Yep and it was good ". He said laughing.

" That's fine because I'm not inviting y'all next time ". She say.

" So ". I said bucking at her.

" Yeah what she said ". Cross say crossing his arms.

" It be ya own people ".


Next Day


Nick and I was getting ready to go to this dinner and I was excited and nervous I want dad to like him.

" So he's Reese dad but he claim you ". Nick say.

" Yeah ".

" Alright ". He say putting on his clothes.

" Chris and Reese will be here in a few ". I say curling my hair.

" I'll be ready yo ass need to hurry up ". He said.

" Shut up ".

Reese POV

I was getting ready with Chris and I was nervous for him and Nick to meet my dad. I never brung a boy home. But Chris and Nick aren't boys their grown ass men with kids. That's going to be the first problem.

" I thought you said formal ". Chris say.

" Yeah but I rather look like I got style ". I said.

" Well you look good ". He whispered in my arm.

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