Chapter 24

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Kevin had Jason around the neck banging his head into the hardwood floor. Absolute chaos had ensued. Jason's mother was screaming, Christine was yelling. Soren, Asher and the guards were standing between everyone and Kevin and Jason on the floor. Two guards had taken up positions by the door to prevent anyone from coming or going and Marcus was yelling profanities trying to get to Kevin. Mark had enough, he roared above the din. "EVERYONE SHUT UP NOW! GET THE ALPHA OFF JASON BEFORE HE KILLS HIM!" Everyone stopped and stared at him. Mark shook his head and pushed past a guard and attempted to pull Kevin off. "A little help here would be appreciated!" Finally the spell broke and Soren and Asher pulled Kevin back. His wolf was in complete control. His eyes were black, canines extended and drool pouring from his mouth. Soren knew that there was no way to get him under control without his mate to calm him. He looked to Henry, since he was Kevin's Beta.

"We're going to need restraints. He is barely holding onto his wolf." Henry nodded and ran from the room.

Mark was kneeling by Jason checking the damage to his throat and head. He was unconscious and had severe damage to his throat and a cracked skull. It would take his wolf awhile to repair the damage. He turned to Alpha Gordon. "We need to get him to the infirmary as soon as possible." Everyone's focus moved to Jason. His mother had moved to kneel by his side, tears streaming from her eyes. Marcus glared at Kevin. While everyone was focused on Jason he pushed through the guards and grabbed Kevin by the throat.

"I will kill you for hurting my son!" Kevin growled and broke free, grabbing Marcus by the head, before anyone could react, breaking his neck. Killing him instantly. The Luna screamed and fell to the floor clutching her chest. Christine ran to her side scooping her up in her arms. Henry ran in with the chains and gawped at the scene before him. Soren snatched the chains from his hands. He and Asher rapidly restrained Kevin. Soren turned to Henry and Tommy.

"Get him out of here." They pulled him up and carried him outside. The platinum had subdued his wolf. Soren looked at Mark. "Who is his Beta? We need to get him in here."

"It would be Mitch now that Jason is Alpha. He is actually outside the door. He's been trying to get in ever since this mess started." Mark's face was stormy with emotions. "We need to get them to the Infirmary. Is there anything else you need from me?"

"No. Take care of your people. I will get a statement from you later for the council." He motioned for the guards to open the door. Mitch and five warriors came rushing in. When Soren saw the look on their faces he held up a hand to stop any questions. "Which one of you is Mitch?" Mitch stepped forward. "Could you ask your men to help the doctor take them to the infirmary?" Soren motioned to Jason and the still wailing Luna. Mitch directed two of his men to take them. Mark and Christine left behind them. Soren turned to Mitch. "I will explain to you what happened here and then answer any questions you have. Okay?"

Mitch was seething at the sight of his Alpha's body on the floor and his jaw was clenched. "Fine."

"We came to discuss the kidnapping of Alpha Haynes pack member. We were naturally concerned that the same tactics could be used against our packs if, there were reluctant mates. Jason goaded Alpha Haynes with the fact he had marked Kyra. When her mother said it was against her will, His wolf took over and he attacked Jason. When we were able to separate them, Alpha Gordon attacked Alpha Haynes. Alpha Haynes fought back and killed your Alpha. Now...Jason is officially the Alpha since there was not a direct challenge. This makes you the current Beta. You will need to lead the pack until Jason recovers. This will include the council inquiry. I was your Alpha's friend and ally. I will also be with Jason. We will stay a couple of days to get you settled."

Mitch stood there speechless. The guilt was eating him up for helping Lisa. He realized he should of thought of the pack first as future Beta. Now there was no Luna to help lead the pack.


Henry was driving as fast as he could to get out of their territory and back to the hotel. Tommy sat nervously. Occasionally glancing back at the Alpha, passed out on the back seat. "Shouldn't we stop and take the restraints off. He's going to be pretty weak otherwise."

Henry shook his head. "We can't stop. What if their Beta wants him held until after the council investigation? We can't risk it. We need to get to the hotel, collect the girls and get home." Tommy nodded. He knew it was best to trust the Beta. Fifteen minutes later they screeched into a parking space at the back of the hotel. Henry jumped out and opened the back door. Kevin lay there pale with a light sheen of sweat on his forehead. He pulled on his gloves and removed the chains, throwing them in the back. "Go let Josh know we're back. The others should be arriving soon. Tell him to get packed up and get the girls downstairs."

Tommy started toward the hotel, forcing himself not to break out into a run. They had enough problems without drawing attention to themselves. He shifted from foot to foot waiting for the elevator to reach their floor. When the doors finally opened, he rushed towards the room and stopped dead in his tracks. The most amazing smell hit him full force and it was coming from the room. He was so excited it took him a couple of tries to get the key card to work. He rushed into the room looking for the source of the smell. There she was, sitting on the sofa. She was absolutely beautiful with long blond hair and amazing blue eyes. His wolf had started yelling mate. Her eyes locked with his as soon as he entered the room. Tommy didn't want to scare her so he walked forward slowly reaching for her hand. Lisa took his hand and stood up. Tommy had a full blown smile on that showed his dimples. "What's your name beautiful?"

Lisa returned his smile with a sparkle in her eyes. "Lisa."

It took a moment for it to register in his mind. His smile was replaced with a look of sadness. Then he dropped her hand and took a step back. Tommy shook his head, all he could manage was one word. "No." He turned and left the room slamming the door. Lisa was confused and her eyes filled with tears at the slamming of the door. Was he rejecting her?

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