Chapter 16

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Kevin couldn't concentrate on his work. He had a feeling something wasn't right. His wolf was restless and kept whining. He looked at his watch, 4pm. He gave up on work and decided to get a shower and dress. He knew he would be early but he needed to see Kyra and make sure she was okay.

When they left the cafe Kyra was too upset to drive. As they approached her car, she handed Tia the keys with shaking hands. Tia knew something had happened and it had to be bad, for Kyra to let someone drive her baby. "Talk to me Kyra. What did that ass say?"

Kyra shook her head. "Let's get in the car." As soon as she shut her door, she broke down sobbing. Tia reached over and pulled her into a hug. She rubbed her back until Kyra had quieted to sniffles.

"Tell me what happened."

"He told his father we are mates. Then he told me he wants me to give him a chance."

"That bastard! I'll kill him for you Kyra. You know I can make it look like an accident." Tia smiled at her.

Kyra gave a shaky laugh. "Only you would come up with something like that."

"That's what best friends are for. You know sleep overs, going shopping and killing ex's."

"Thanks for being here for me. I just don't know what to do. He said he wants us to be mates but I feel a connection to Kevin."

Tia sighed. "I can't tell you what to do. That is a decision only you can make. But! Keep in mind how easily he denied you and sent you away and the weeks of pain you suffered through. Also remember who was there to help you through it."

"I know." Kyra took a deep breath and smiled. "Okay, let's get this over with." Tia started the car and they headed for the apartment.


Alpha Gordon was pacing in front of them. Lisa and Jason sat on the sofa and watched him, afraid of what was to come. He stopped his pacing and looked at them. You could see the fury in his eyes. "I want to know how this happened and how you could even think of deceiving the pack. Let's start with you Lisa."

Lisa couldn't look him in the eye. "I'm sorry Alpha. I love him so much and when I found out we weren't mates, I was devastated. We've been together so long, I can't imagine my life without him. Kyra had promised me that she would help me, no matter what."

"And what were you planning on doing when you met your true mate?"

Lisa looked down at her hands. "I hadn't thought about that."

"Of course you didn't. Jason let's hear about your stupidity now."

"Dad at the time I was still in love with Lisa. I couldn't reject Kyra so I denied her and arranged for her to leave. I regretted it the next day. I've been trying to come up with a plan to get her back ever since. I thought I would have it all worked out before anyone found out."

Lisa gasped. "Jason you can't mean that! We love each other!"

"I'm sorry but I don't love you. I care about you, but as a friend." Lisa broke down in tears.

Alpha Gordon had heard enough. "I can't believe the selfishness of you two! How could you mess with what the goddess has destined." He ran his hands over his face. "Lisa, since you lied to your Alpha, you will be punished. I will decide what it will be once we are back home. Jason, you and I will have a private talk." He heard them approaching the door. "We will finish this later."

When they walked in the door they could feel the tension. Jason and Lisa were seated in the living room, so Kyra and Tia went to the kitchen. She was not ready to face them yet. She got a glass and the bottle of vodka and sat down. "You know that is not going to solve your problems."

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