Chapter 1

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Kyra was so tired from her flight, but when she saw the apartment she was taken aback. Luxury was an understatement. She was hungry so she went to check out the kitchen first. It was fully stocked. Kyra decided she would make a sandwich, then have a hot bath and go to sleep.

As she made her food Alpha Haynes came into the kitchen. "I put your bags in the bedroom."

Kyra kept her head down. "Thank you Alpha Haynes."

"Please call me Kevin, Alpha Haynes was my father." He laughed.

Kyra looked up at him. He was young, maybe 25, longish black hair, emerald green eyes and dimples when he smiled. She had been so lost in the fog of pain that she had only just really looked at him. Kyra gave him a small smile."Okay...Thank you Kevin."

"I am leaving you my Mercedes until your car arrives."

"Oh Kevin, you don't have to do that. I can just take the bus around."

"Out of the Question! Since you are my temporary pack member you will be treated as such. Which means no buses." Kyra nodded.

He walked to the fridge got a bottle of water and sat down at the island. "There is one other thing." He pulled a iPhone 6 from his coat pocket and handed it to her. "There are all the important pack contacts in there and also Beta Mitch. I need you to give me your phone." He cleared his throat. I could not believe it! I couldn't even respond. "Jason explained the situation to me. If you are allowed contact with anyone, it will make it harder to break the bond. The temptation to call your mate will be too great. Your wolf will cry for him."

I was crying and my hands were shaking as I pulled it from my back pocket and gave it to him. "What about my photos?"

"They will be safe. This phone will be locked in my office and one day you will be ready." he spoke soothingly.

Kyra again felt like she was being ripped apart. She was not even allowed to look at the people she loved. Aria cried with her. She put her head on the counter as huge gut wrenching sobs left her.

Kevin put his arm around her shoulders. "Believe me when I tell you, I know how you feel. You may not think so now but it does get better."

Kyra jumped up from the counter shaking her head. "I want to go home! This is all a mistake! My mate can't reject me, he is made for me, not Lisa!" She collapsed on the floor screaming and crying. She felt like she was being ripped to shreds. She clawed at her chest trying to make the pain in her heart stop.

Kevin knelt down beside her and pulled her into his arms. He rocked her and spoke to her soothingly. "It's going to be okay I promise. I'll help you every step of the way."

30 minutes later her sobs had stopped and she fell asleep from exhaustion. He carried her to the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. Kevin removed her shoes and covered her with a blanket. A small tear left his eye and he wiped it away. He left the room turning off the lights. As he made his way to the door, he stopped, looked back. "I promise I will help you." Kevin quietly closed the door and left.

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