Chapter 21

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Kyra was so frustrated. She could hear everyone talking and asking her to wake up. When Jason talked it helped a little and when he held her hand or kissed her, it seemed to strengthen her. She was worried that the mate bond was getting stronger but needed it at this moment. Where was Kevin? Did he know what was happening to her? She missed his beautiful green eyes. The way they sparkled when he smiled at her and the look of lust, just before he kissed her. Kyra had tried talking to Aria, her wolf, but got nothing. She was hoping Aria would help her wake up. Now her wolf was just another thing on her list to worry about. Kyra felt a sting and then a small pain on her hand. "What are they doing to me? Dear goddess please let me wake up." A little while later she was happy to realize she could move her hand. Now she just had to work on opening her eyes.


Jason, as usual, was sitting with her and holding her hand. He rarely left her side. He had made himself a bed on the floor so he would be there in case she woke up. Jason would have loved to sleep beside her but knew she wouldn't want that. He could feel the bond getting stronger and he couldn't help but smile. Jason realized what a fool he had been. Nothing could ever compare to the feelings you have with your mate. There were no words to describe the overwhelming love and fierce protectiveness you felt. He knew now that he never loved Lisa. This was love. He pushed the stray hair out of her face and gave her small kisses on her cheeks. "Baby if you can hear me, please, do something to let me know." He waited, watching her intently. He didn't even hear the door open.

"She's not going to wake up on her own." Jason's head snapped around at the voice. There was Mark and a nurse with lots of medical equipment.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with her?" His wolf was growling at the thought of someone hurting his mate.

Mark looked at him, his voice laced with venom. "Your father overdosed her. Now, please move, I need to get her started on an IV. I just hope it's not too late to save her wolf." Jason was angry that his father had caused this. Her wolf? Would Kyra be able to survive without her wolf? He gave Kyra a kiss on the forehead and stood up.

"I am going to talk to my father." Jason stormed out of the room, determined his father would answer for this. He ran down the stairs and straight to his office. Not bothering to knock, he slammed the door open.

"Jason! What the hell are you doing?! You are never to come in here without my invitation!" Jason didn't even acknowledge him. Eyes black with fury, he went around the desk and grabbed his father by the throat. Then Jason punched him in the face. You could hear the crack as his jaw broke. His wolf wanting nothing more at this moment than to kill him. The Alpha was gasping and pulling at Jason's hands. Jason pulled him out of the chair and slammed him against the wall.

"I should kill you! You overdosed her and now she may lose her wolf! Do you have any idea what it is like to sit by your mate, praying to the goddess that she wakes up?" He slammed the Alpha against the wall with each word. Jason flung him to the floor. The alpha started gasping for air. Jason looked down at him. "Once Kyra is better, I will challenge you for the position of Alpha." He growled at him and left the room.


Kevin sat with Henry and Tommy, finalizing the plan. It was better than he hoped. At the most it would take a week to get her back. "What do you guys think? Is there anything that might need to be changed?"

"No Alpha. I think your plan is solid. Unless something comes up that we don't have a contingency for." Henry was a great Beta and planner. Kevin trusted his word.


"Yes Tommy."

"Have you talked to Lisa?"

"Not yet. I wanted to have the plan finalized first." He grabbed his phone and sent a text.

How are things on your end? It was a few minutes before he received a reply.

It's awful Alpha! Alpha Gordon overdosed Kyra when he injected her. Her dad is trying some kind of medicine to wake her up but said her wolf could die!

Kevin let out a roar that shook the room and rattled the window panes. His wolf was scratching at the surface, demanding to bet let out, to kill the Alpha. Kevin was taking fast deep breaths trying to regain control. Henry and Tommy stood up and took a few steps back from the desk. When he was somewhat in control, he turned back to the phone.

I want you to start collecting Kyra's things. Don't worry about clothes, just the things that might be important to her. Do you have access to her car?

I could get the keys, they're in her room.

Good. I want you to start putting your's and Kyra's things in the car. Do no let anyone see you.


Let me know immediately if her condition changes or she wakes up!

Of course Alpha

Kevin threw the phone across the desk and leaned back with his eyes closed. No one moved or spoke until there was a knock at the door. Kevin sat up and rubbed his eyes. He was barely keeping the exhaustion at bay. "Come in." Henry and Tommy looked at each other confused as the men walked in.

"You wanted to see us Alpha?"

"Yes. Everyone take a seat." The men looked nervous, His eyes were black and they knew his wolf was at the surface. "We are going to have to accelerate the plan. It seems that Alpha Gordon overdosed Kyra, when he kidnapped her. We leave tomorrow night."

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