Chapter 27

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Kyra slowly removed Kevin's arm and slid out of bed. She needed to use the bathroom but wasn't sure where it was. There were four doors, so she decided to start at the left of the room and try each door. Of course it was the last door she opened. She walked to the mirror and gasped. Her hair was a rat's nest, dark circles under her eyes and the mark on her neck was bright red. She splashed cold water on her face, used the bathroom and went back to the bedroom. Kevin was still asleep. Kyra walked next to the bed and looked at him. He was so handsome and looked peaceful. She giggled when he snorted and started to snore softly. Kyra wished she knew where her phone was. This would make great blackmail. Absent her phone she decided to go find Tia. They had a lot to catch up on.

Kyra wasn't sure where she was. She had only been on the ground floor and Tia and Tommy's rooms on the second floor. She walked down the hall until she came to the staircase. When she went down a flight she realized that she had been on the third floor. She turned left towards Tia's room. She knocked and got no answer. Thinking Tia was still asleep, she let herself in. The sight before her took her breath away. Tia was on the bed hooked up to machines and Tommy was sleeping in a chair next to the bed. How? What? Her mind couldn't comprehend what she was looking at. Tears started to flow from her eyes as she stumbled towards the bed. Tia looked so pale and fragile. Kyra shook her head, this couldn't be real. She gently touched Tommy's shoulder and he jumped up. His eyes were wide and he looked confused for a moment.

"Kyra? I thought it was Tia touching me." He looked at his sister and his fall fell. "I have been staying with her as much as I can, waiting for her to wake up."

Kyra spoke quietly. "What happened?"

"That bastard Alpha drugged her when he took you. He almost killed her." His eyes were flashing black. "I'm so glad he is dead!"

"What?! Who's dead?!"

Tommy realized his mistake. " You need to talk to the Alpha. I'm sorry Kyra. I shouldn't of said anything." Kyra ran out of the room and was half way up the stairs when she crashed into a hard body.


Kevin stretched and smiled. Her scent was all over the bed. He turned to where he thought she was sleeping only to see an empty bed. He jumped out of bed, panic making his heart pound. Where was she? He checked the bathroom first. Her scent was there but no Kyra. He closed his eyes and took calming breaths so he could think. Tia! She would of gone to see her! Kevin ran out the door and started down the stairs when Kyra crashed into him. He reached out and grabbed her before she could topple backwards down the stairs. "Whoa beautiful! Where's the fire?" He was smiling at her until he saw the look on her face. It was a mixture of anger and fear.

"Who died Kevin?"

"Kyra baby lets go downstairs and talk. You need to eat." She pushed his hands off her arms. Kevin had a hurt look in his eyes that gave Kyra a twinge of guilt.

"I don't want anything to eat! I want to know who it was!"

"Listen... I'm not saying anything until we go to the kitchen." He started walking down and Kyra gave an annoyed huff and followed him. Kevin wasn't sure how she would react so he was planning on putting it off as long as he could. He walked in the kitchen and started grabbing things for breakfast. Kyra stood by the counter with her arms crossed, watching him. He put the bacon in the pan and started cracking eggs in a bowl. When he started chopping fruit, her patience was gone.

"Are you going to tell me? You said we had to go to the kitchen. Well we're in the kitchen." She threw her hands up in exasperation.

"I want you to eat breakfast before we talk. According to Lisa you have not eaten for a couple of days. Now... can you be a love and get the juice out of the fridge?" Kyra gave up. She knew this was a fight she could't win. Then it clicked. Lisa? Where was she?

Kyra walked to the fridge. "Where is Lisa? Did she come with us?"

"Yes, she's here." There was something in the tone of his voice she didn't like.

"What's going on Kevin? Is she okay?" He raised an eyebrow at her with a look that said he is not talking. "Yeah...Yeah I get it. No talking until I eat." Kevin laughed, shook his head and started plating the food. Kyra hadn't realized how hungry she was. Her stomach rumbled as she sat down at the table. Kevin guffawed and she blushed a deep red. Kyra waited until she was half way through her food before talking. "I want you to talk to me and tell me what's going on or I won't eat another bite."

Kevin looked at her with his eyebrows scrunched. He took another sip of juice and sat the glass down with a sigh. "Fine. Just let me tell you and don't interrupt. Okay?" Kyra nodded her head for him to continue. "Alpha Gordon is dead. I am not going into details. He attacked me and I fought back. Let's leave it at that." Kyra gasped. "Lisa found her mate in my pack. It's not a happy ever after for her. I'm sure you will talk to her and get all the details." Kyra was in complete shock. She opened her mouth to ask a question and he held up his hand. "Tia is in a coma. She was drugged and overdosed by Alpha Gordon when he took you. We need to talk to your father about your treatment to see if it would help her. Also you need to call your parents and let them know you're okay." He got up and pulled her into a hug and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I missed you so much." Kyra felt like yelling and pushing away. It felt wrong. She didn't understand what was happening to her. She should be happy that she was back with Kevin.

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