Chapter 32

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Tia had text and called Kyra several times. It always went to voice mail. She tried again for the hundredth time. "Hi this is Kyra leave me a message and I'll call you back." Tia growled and threw her phone on the bed. "Dammit Kyra!" Tia had to figure out a way to reach her. It had been two days and the Alpha was a pain in the ass. He was constantly yelling, throwing things and slamming doors. No one dared mention her name. The cherry on the cake started after lunch. He came out of his office staggering drunk and started fighting with Henry, blaming him for Kyra leaving. Henry is in charge of security but the Alpha never told him that Kyra wasn't suppose to leave. Henry knew better than to try and reason with him and just took it, not even fighting back when the Alpha punched him. Kevin went back to his office yelling that he would kill anyone who helped her leave and slammed the door. Tia called Tommy and Lisa over the mind link. Maybe the three of them could figure out how to get her back. She paced the room waiting for them to show up. When they finally came running in the room, their hair was a mess and clothes disheveled. Tia snickered. "So...what have you two been up to?"

Tommy had a smug grin and Lisa blushed. "Just mate stuff sis, don't worry about it." Tommy and Lisa looked at each other and smiled.

"Alright you two, stop! We need to figure out how to reach Kyra. She won't answer her phone or return my texts. We have to get her back before the Alpha destroys the pack house."

Lisa finally tore her eyes away from Tommy. "Have you tried calling her parents?"

Tia looked stunned. "I never thought of that. What's their number?" She ran and grabbed her phone off the bed. Lisa gave her the number and she waited impatiently for it to ring. "Come on, pick up!" She paced nervously listening to the phone ring.

"Doctor Madison."

"Oh thank you goddess! Dr. Madison this is Tia, Kyra's best friend. I really need to talk to her and she doesn't have her phone on."

"I'm sorry but now is not a good time. There is a lot happening here right now. I will have her call you as soon as she can." Then he hung up with out saying goodbye. Tia looked at the phone incredulously. With a growl she threw it across the room.

"He hung up on me! Well that's it! I am going there and drag her ass back if I have too!" She looked at Tommy and Lisa. "Are you coming with me?"

Lisa shook her head vigorously. "I can't they could arrest me and charge me with treason for helping Kyra leave the first time."

"Tia I'm sorry I can't go either. I'm still under investigation by the council. They could arrest me as well."

"Damn! Fine, I need you to take me to the airport. I don't want to waste the time driving. I just have a feeling she is going to need me and quick. You two go clean yourselves up and I'll make all the arrangements. And for goddess sake Don't start making out again."


Kyra sat in her parents room waiting for them to come up. The last two days had been absolute hell. Jason was constantly trying to get her alone and talk about mating, even though she had told him several times that she had no intention of mating with him. The more the mark faded the better her resolve. This morning when she woke up the mark was barely visible and her dad gave her the wonderful news that it should be gone by nightfall. She had taken refuge in their room until then. Her parents had come up with a plan that they were going to execute as soon as it was gone.

Kyra missed Kevin so much and wanted desperately to call him. But she was terrified that he would not want to talk to her or even want her to come back. She made up her mind that it would be best to just wait until tomorrow when she was home and talk to him in person. She sat lost in thought when Mitch linked her.

Someone is here to see you.

Who is it?

She wouldn't give her name just demanded to see you or she was gonna rip my balls off.

I'll be right down.

Kyra ran out the door and down the stairs, already knowing who she would see. There standing in the foyer was Tia, with her fist clenched and a look of murder in her eyes. Mitch and two enforcers were blocking her from coming any further into the house. "It's okay Mitch. It's just Tia."

"But Luna she threatened me."

Kyra glared at him. "How many times do I have to tell you I am not the Luna!"

He looked at her with a scowl. "Until one of you rejects the other, you are still Luna."

"Just move out of the way. Come on Tia let's go upstairs." Tia growled at the men as she walked past. Kyra didn't say anything until they were in the safety of her parent's room. "Tia what in the name of heaven are you doing here? This is not a good time. There is a lot about to happen and you shouldn't be here!".

"Well Miss Luna if you had bothered to answer my calls or texts, I wouldn't be here! Do you have any idea what your leaving has done? NO! because you were being selfish! If I wasn't your best friend I would so beat your ass right now!"

Kyra was taken aback at the anger coming from Tia. "What are you talking about? What happened?"

"The Alpha is trying to tear up the pack house. He yells and growls at everyone. And the best part...he has started drinking again. Now can you imagine the fun we're having with a drunk angry Alpha?!"

Kyra slumped into the nearest chair. "I'm so sorry. I thought he might be mad at me but not that he would take it out on the pack. I left him a note and told him I was coming back."

"Kyra didn't you think he would feel like you rejected him? How would you feel if he had done this to you?" Kyra was about to answer when her parents came in the room. They were stunned to see Tia there.

", this is Tia."

Her dad looked angry. "What are you doing here? When you called earlier I told you that this was not a good time." He ran his hands through his hair. "It doesn't matter now, you're already here. It's time to get this over with. I already told the Alpha that we wanted to see him and he is waiting."

Christine gave them a smile. "It's going to be okay honey, your dad is just a little stressed out. Now girls let's go downstairs and see the Alpha." They remained quite and followed her parents down the stairs and to Jason's office. "Are you ready Kyra?"

"Yes mom. I can handle this. It should of been done long ago." Tia looked at her with a questioning glare but Kyra just shook her head. Mark knocked on the door and they waited.

"Come in."

Mark opened the door and waited for them to come inside then took a position beside his wife, with enough of a gap that Kyra stood between them but was still protected. Tia stood off the side to watch what was about to happen. Jason saw her and growled.

"What the hell is she doing here?!"

"We had no idea she was coming for a visit. She surprised us." Mark sent a glare towards Tia, who just huffed at him.

"Alpha we come before you today to discuss our daughter. We are very unhappy with what has transpired. You wanted nothing to do with her and had chosen someone else to mate with. Then you changed your mind and decided you did want her after she had already been put through the pain of the separation. You participated with your father in her drugging and kidnapping. Now you have played on her guilt to get her to return. We think it is time that all this comes to an end. You are not the mate we want for our daughter."

Jason looked confused. "Babe what's happening here?"

Kyra's hands were shaking and it took a moment to find her voice. But when it came out it was sure and strong. "I, Kyra Madison reject you, Jason Gordon as my mate." Jason howled and clutched his chest falling to the floor. Mitch came running in as Jason passed out. Mark turned to the girls.
"Get your things and go now." Kyra grabbed Tia's hand and they ran out of the room.

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