Chapter 33

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Kyra walked into the office and could not believe what she saw. The bookshelves had been emptied and the books were everywhere. The desk was overturned, all the contents on the floor. Lamps and tables were broken, pieces strewn about the room. In the middle of all this was Kevin. Laying on the floor moaning with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. She put her hand over her mouth to prevent a cry from escaping. She picked her way through the mess and sat down beside him, pulling his head onto her lap. She pushed the hair out of his face and started to cry. "Oh Kevin what have I done to you. I'm so sorry I should have never left. Its all over now and I will never leave again." He started mumbling and Kyra could not make out what he was saying. "I can't understand you." All of a sudden he yelled.

"Kyra left me!"

"No no Kevin, I'm right here."

He tried to sit up and bring the bottle to his mouth. Kyra grabbed the bottle and threw it across the room. The sound of the bottle smashing on the wall seemed to wake him up. He pushed away from Kyra and tried to sit up. She tried to help him and he pushed her away. "Don't touch me! You left me for him after everything I did for you! Why did you do it Kyra? I loved you!"

Kyra started to cry and reach for him but he slapped her hands away. "I'm so sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing. Please Kevin forgive me."

"You will address me as Alpha! Get. Out. Of. My. Office! I don't want to see you!"

Kyra stumbled to her feet, crying and left the room. Kevin put his head in his hands and growled. Without the constant influx of alcohol his mind was starting to clear. One of the perks of being an Alpha wolf, no hangover. Every wolf could get drunk if they had enough alcohol. Their bodies burned it off quickly, but they still got hangovers. Kevin lifted his head and looked at the destruction that was his office. He growled at the thought of having to clean this all up. Then a wicked smile came across his lips. Oh no he wasn't cleaning it up. He had someone else in mind for the job. He gave a little chuckle and got up, heading out to find his 'little helper'.


Kyra stumbled up the stairs, crying so hard she could barely see where she was going. Moving as quickly as she could towards Tia's room. Not bothering to knock she rushed into the room. She didn't see Tia and went to lay down on the bed to wait for her. The last two days of stress and barely sleeping took its toll and she fell asleep, crying.

Tia came in the room and saw a sleeping Kyra on her bed. She was confused, thinking they were doing a kissy kissy makeup right now. As she got closer she saw the tear stains on her face. "Shit! What happened now?" She was about to wake Kyra and find out what was going on, when someone pounded on the door. Tia stomped to the door, pissed that someone would bang so loud. "There better be a freaking fire!" She snatched the door open ready to cuss someone out. She stopped in her tracks when she saw who it was. She bowed her head. "I'm sorry Alpha. I didn't know it was you."

"Where is she?"

Tia opened the door wider and pointed to the bed. Kyra was sitting up blinking. Kevin stormed in the room. "Get up!" He had a thunderous look on his face and Kyra quickly complied. "You left this territory without permission from me. I could cut your link and make you a rogue." Kyra's eyes widen and she gasped. "However... I have decided that you should be punished instead. I will be giving you tasks, that you will complete until I think you have made up for your disrespect." Kyra breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Kevin."

"You will only address me as Alpha!" Kyra lowered her eyes and nodded her head. "Your first task will be to clean my office. I expect it to be completed before I come down in the morning. You are to do it alone." His eyes flicked to Tia. "Do you understand?" Kyra nodded her head. "Speak up!"


"Yes what?!"

"Yes Alpha."

"Go now and Kyra if it isn't completed you will face additional punishment." Kevin turned and left the room, slamming the door.

Tia looked at Kyra. "What was that?!"

"I don't want to talk about it." Kyra walked past her and out the door.

Tia shook her head completely confused. This was suppose to be a happy ending.


Kevin went up to his room and straight to the shower. He wanted to wash away the crud from the last two days. If only he could wash away the memory. His wolf was whining and it was getting on his nerves.

Would you please shut up!

Mate is hurt.

She is not our mate!

Yes she is! Aria said she rejected Jason!

It doesn't matter. She rejected us and went to him!


NO! Now shut up!

Kevin blocked his wolf and got out of the shower. He threw on some shorts and laid down on the bed. Grabbing the remote he started channel surfing to try and find something that would distract his mind. After a couple of minutes he growled and threw the remote down. He could not take his mind off her. Did she really reject Jason? It didn't matter now. She had betrayed him and would face the consequences. He turned off the lights. Exhaustion winning out as he fell into a fitful sleep.

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