Chapter 14

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Kevin pulled up to her apartment building and parked. He gave her a long look then stared straight ahead "Kyra I need to talk to you about something. Please don't interrupt or I may not be able to finish."


"I met my mate when I was 18. I smelled the most amazing scent and followed it till I found her. She was standing in the baby isle of the supermarket. She took my breath away. Me being young and stupid, I rushed over and grabbed her hand. I was so focused on her beautiful face I didn't really look at the rest of her." Kevin took a deep breath. "She snatched her hand back and rested it on her stomach. She was pregnant. I just stared at her. First I was angry, that anyone would touch what is mine. Then she said...she already had a mate and they were married. I felt like someone had punched me in the gut. She told me they were in love and married as soon as they graduated high school, 5 months earlier. She asked me my name and then rejected me, right there in the supermarket." Kevin wiped the tears that fell with the back of his hand. "So when I told you I knew how you felt, I was speaking from experience. I went on a drinking binge and stayed holed up in my room for 2 months. My father did the same to me that I did with you. He commanded me to get up, get dressed and move on. I was really angry with him at the time. Now I understand he did it because he cared." He looked over at Kyra and she had tears running down her face. "I know this isn't going to be easy on you with him so close . I will be here for you. You mean a lot to me Kyra and I won't let you go back to how it was before."

Kyra put her hands over her face and started to sob. Kevin reached over and pulled her into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and held her while she cried. He reached up and pushed her hair out of her face and gave her small kisses on her forehead and cheeks. Kyra's sobs slowly morphed to sniffles. Kevin reached into the console and grabbed a handkerchief and reached up to wipe her eyes. She looked up and he was staring at her with those piercing green eyes. She couldn't look away. It was as if he held her life in his eyes.

His eyes flicked to her lips and back to her eyes. He slowly leaned forward watching her as his lips closed the distance between them. Kyra stiffened for a second, when she felt the spark of their lips touching. She relaxed and gave into the kiss. Kyra moaned when she felt the low growl in his chest. She reached her hands up into his hair as the kiss deepened. His hands slipped under her shirt and ran up and down her back.

They gradually pulled apart. Kevin laid his forehead against hers, breathing deeply. "I've wanted to do that for so long." He pulled back and looked at her. "When I first met you, I felt a spark when we touched." Kyra gasped. "Its the only time other than when I touched her. I think the goddess is giving us back what we lost."

"You feel it too?" Kyra couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Kevin laughed and pecked her lips. "Yes I feel it too. You are so beautiful, kind and caring. I don't want to lose you." His face had turned serious. Kyra lifted her hand and touched his cheek. He sighed, closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. When he opened his eyes, Kyra was smiling at him with a sparkle in her eyes. He put his hands on either side of her face and pulled her in for another searing kiss.


Jason was livid. They had been at the apartment for an hour and Kyra still was not there. She had a lot to answer for. Starting with why she was with the Alpha. He stalked into the kitchen looking for alcohol. He opened and slammed cabinets until he found what he was looking for. He took two bottles and sat at the island. Not bothering with a glass, he put the bottle to his lips and drank. Brooding, waiting.


Tia was having a really hard time being pleasant to Lisa. If it wasn't for this selfish b***h, Kyra would never had to suffer the way she did. How the hell could she call herself a best friend and take the most important thing in Kyra's life away from her. She decided she would make it her mission to make Lisa's stay as unpleasant as possible. The girl had talked almost non-stop and it was all about her. Tia had this image of herself grabbing Lisa by the throat and slapping her repeatedly. She couldn't stop the big smile on her face.

"Why are you smiling? My grandmother leaving me is not funny." Lisa huffed.

Tia realized she had no idea what the girl had been talking about, so decided to wing it. "I was thinking about my Nan and how great she is." Not giving her a chance to start blabbering again, Tia jumped off the couch and started to the kitchen. "I'm going to grab a soda."

"K, I'll come with you." Lisa walked past her and Tia rolled her eyes and followed.

"Baby? Are you okay? Why are you drinking?" Lisa placed her hand on Jason's shoulder and he shrugged it off. Jason looked at Tia. "Where's Kyra?"

"Duh! With her boyfriend!" She turned and yanked the fridge door open so she would not laugh in his face, when she heard him growl. This was gonna be good. She grabbed a soda and went to the island and sat down. "They get a little carried away sometimes so she may not be here for a while." She waved her hand between Lisa and Jason. "You two should know what that's like, right?" Tia was high-fiving herself. "It's so great to see her happy. When she first got here she was a mess. I don't know who hurt her but if I did, I'd rip his balls off." Jason looked at her like she had two heads and Lisa looked down at the floor. Tia smirked.


They kissed in the car, in the elevator and currently Kevin had Kyra pressed to the wall beside her door. They were going at it so heavily they didn't hear the door open. "Would you look at you two." Tia giggled. They pulled apart, Kevin smiling and Kyra blushing.

"Ok Romeo it's past Kyra's bedtime and we have some ass to kick. So run along home." She gave a shooing motion towards the elevator.

Kevin gave a playful growl. "That's no way to talk to your Alpha."

Kyra stepped out of his arms and walked to Tia, with her eyes narrowed. "What have you been up to?"

Tia gave her most innocent face and fluttered her eyelashes. "Nothing." Kevin burst out laughing and Tia scowled at him. "Ok, maybe I might have said that you guys are having private time and that if I found out who hurt you in the past, I'd rip his balls off."

"Tia! Really?" Kyra was floored. "Go inside I'll be there in a minute." Tia winked at Kevin and went back inside. Kevin chuckled and Kyra turned on him. "This is not funny. Now I have to change how I was going to deal with him."

He pulled her into his arms. "Baby look at me. Its going to be fine. Just go in there and show how strong you are now. He was probably expecting to come here and see you falling apart." He gave her a peck on the lips, grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her around and smacked her butt. "Go get'em tiger." She gasped and he walked away laughing.

As she walked in the door Tia grabbed her and whispered. "He's in the kitchen, drunk with 'miss can't shut the hell up'. So put on that smile and let's give'em hell. I gotcha back." Kyra put on her best smile and strutted off to the kitchen. Tia did a little happy dance and then followed her.

Kyra walked in and went straight to the fridge. Grabbing a bottle of water, she took her time acknowledging them. "Lisa, Jason. Did you get settled into your room okay?" She took a long drink of water, trying to fight back the assault on her senses. His scent was engulfing her and she could feel the anger radiating off him in waves. Tia walked over and threw her arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze.

"Kyra can I talk to you for a minute?" Jason was glaring at her hard.

When she looked at him she almost gave in. Then she remembered all the pain he caused her. "I'm sorry, I'm really tired and I have class in the morning. We can catch up later, okay." She walked around and gave Lisa a hug. "That okay with you sweetie?" Her smile never leaving her face.

"Sure Kyra! I'm so happy to see you again and OMG that Alpha of yours is so hot. I want all the details!" She was bouncing up and down. Jason growled and stomped out of the room. A few seconds later the bedroom door slammed. Lisa rolled her eyes. "I better go see to mr. grumpy pants."

When Lisa left the kitchen, Tia bowed. "And the Oscar goes to Kyra Madison for best performance dealing with an ass!"
Kyra laughed and they linked arms and headed off to bed.

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