Chapter 30

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Tia stared at Tommy and Lisa as she ate her food. Her brother's jaw was clenched and hands fisted. Lisa sat on the edge of the bed with her head down, hands moving restlessly in her lap. You could tell the girl was in pain. Her face was blotchy and eyes red and swollen. This was not the happy, can't shut up girl she had met. As she finished her food she decided it was time to kick some butt, namely Tommy's. Tia sat her tray aside and looked at her brother. "You want to tell me why you're treating you mate like this?"

Tommy's head snapped up sending a glare towards Lisa before looking at Tia. "This is all her fault."

"What did she do?"

He looked at his sister shocked. "Have you forgotten what she did to Kyra? Not to mention you were drugged and Kyra was kidnapped! Everything that happened was because she was selfish and wanted someone who wasn't her mate!"

Tia narrowed her eyes. "I heard everything you said when I was in that coma. It seems to me you are treating her like crap for no reason." Tommy started to speak but she held up her hand to stop him. "It was not her fault Alpha Gordon decided to kidnap Kyra or drug me. There is nothing to say she knew in advance. So mark that off your list! You said she helped Alpha Haynes get Kyra back. Does that sound like someone that was trying to hurt us?!"

Tommy's eyes were still blazing with anger. "That doesn't change the fact that she wanted to mate with someone who wasn't her mate and would of rejected me when we finally met! How do you expect me to treat someone who was so thoughtless and selfish! I'm done with this!" Tommy got up and stormed toward the door.

"Tomas Xavier Mendez! Don't you dare leave this room! I'll call mom and Dad!" Tommy stopped and turned to her with a glare. Tia was smirking at him.

"You would't dare?!"?

"Try me!" Her smirk had turned into a full blown grin.Tommy growled and stomped back to the chair and sat down.

"I hate you."

Tia laughed. "No you don't. I'm the best sister in the whole world!" Tommy refused to look at her and stared out the window. Tia shook her head and turned her attention to Lisa. Lisa had been sitting silently through it all, head down and silent tears running down her cheeks. The girl was annoying but Tia couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Tia sighed. "Lisa? You want to tell me your side of this?"

"I don't know what to say." Her voice was barely above a whisper. If they were not wolves they would't of heard her.

"Look at me Lisa. What were you planning on doing when you eventually met your mate?"

Lisa looked up at her. Her eyes held such agony. "I don't know. I had been with Jason for 4 years. I was in love with him or so I thought. I never thought of the consequences of finding my mate in the future. I know I was stupid. I have tried really hard to make it up to everyone. I understand his anger and would understand if he rejects me. I don't deserve to be happy after all the pain I caused."

"You're wrong Lisa. No one deserves to be rejected." Tia turned to Tommy. "Are you rejecting her?" Tommy stood up and walked to the window. After a few moments of silence he turned and looked at Lisa. Her scent was driving him crazy and his wolf was screaming at him for hurting their mate.


"Then please tell me why you are acting like an ass!" Lisa started sobbing. He couldn't stand to see her pain anymore. His mind was telling him to forgive her but his heart was still hurting from the thought of her betraying him. His eyes shifted to Tia and he just shook his head. Lisa got up and ran from the room with huge gasping sobs. "Your an idiot! You won't reject her but won't forgive her either! What are planning on doing when you finally forgive her and she decides to reject you for all the pain you caused her?" Tommy looked shocked he had never thought of the possibility that she could still reject him.


Kyra walked up to Kevin's bedroom. Looking around she realized there was nothing to take with her. All her clothes were back at her old pack. She sat down on the bed thinking about what she was getting ready to do. She had no intention of accepting Jason as her mate. She reasoned with herself that she was only going to help the pack and his mother. Plus it would make her wolf stronger to be near him. Kyra decided not to say goodbye to her friends.They might figure out what she was about to do and try to stop her. She felt guilty for leaving Kevin after all he had done to get her back.

Kyra got up to look for a paper and pen. She would leave him a note and call Tia and Lisa once she arrived at the pack house. Kyra wrote the note and placed it on his pillow, grabbed her purse and keys and left the room. She stopped for a minute in the hallway. Kyra knew she had to be careful so no one would see her leaving. She decide to go down the back stairs and out through the kitchen. Once she had made it to her car without being seen, she started it and took off quickly, hoping no one saw her leave. Kyra was tense and nervous until she crossed the border. In a couple of hours she would be back home.

Okay guys if I get to 25 votes on this chapter I will do another update. So if you haven't voted please do.

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