Chapter 41

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Kevin paced beside his desk, fists clenching and unclenching. Kyra had fallen asleep from exhaustion, sobbing for over an hour. He looked over at her on the sofa. He would do what ever it took to insure her safety and that of her parents. They had called both her parents repeatedly, only to get voicemail. Kevin had called Henry into his office but had yet to speak to him. His mind was moving in several directions and he needed to get a handle on his thoughts.



"Why don't we contact the council? You are mated now and he has probably in-prisoned two innocent people. The law is on your side now."

Kevin growled. "After all he's done and about to do, do you really think he would listen to them?! He has reached a whole new level of crazy and the only option is death!"

"What is your plan?"

Kevin took a deep breath and fell into his chair. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "Let Kyra go to him at midnight. We will wait in the trees and also have warriors come from the other side to box them in. Then we will take them down."

"What if he has given an order to kill her parents if anything happens to him? Not to mention that is Alpha Soren's territory on the other side of the fence. If he is walking on there so freely, he must have the Alpha's support."

"He could of lied as to his purpose. I'm going to call him and see what's going on. We may be able to sway him to our side. As for her parents, I think we need to get someone from the council there right away to insure their safety. I'm also going to call Alpha Asher since he is close by their pack."

Henry left to gather the fighters and Kevin sat at the desk with his head in his hands. He had to make this work. Kyra would be devastated if anything happened to her parents. He knew he had to protect all of her, including her heart. With a sigh he picked up the phone to make the calls.


Mitch was shocked when he got off the phone. The council were sending someone and he was bringing an Alpha with him. They were to arrive within the hour. He thought this was going to be routine. Jason had said not to worry, that it was would be a quick deal to get Kyra back. What if the council knew what Jason was up to? He took a deep breathe. There was nothing to worry about as long as they had not mated. Kyra was the true Luna of this pack and they were only doing what needed to be done to get her back. With his confidence building he went to ready the pack for the visit.

Mitch was ready and waiting outside as the black Hummer pulled in front of the pack house. Councilman Grey and Alpha Asher stepped out of the vehicle. Mitch was glad to see that they had smiles on their faces. He stepped forward and reached out a hand to greet them. "Councilman, Alpha. It nice to see you both again."

Alpha Asher smiled at him even though he was seething underneath at what Kevin had told him. He knew he had to maintain the façade in order to get Kyra's parents out safely. "You as well Beta. How have things been since the last time I was here?"

Mitch smiled. "Great. Why don't we talk inside. I had lunch prepared for us."

"That sounds great. Why don't you have Mark and Christine join us. I haven't seen them in a long time." Councilman Grey noticed the flinch as he said their names.

Mitch's minds was in a frenzy to come up with an explanation to their absence. He couldn't very well tell them that they were in a cell downstairs. It was only a precaution until Jason was back with Kyra. "I'm sorry to say that they left yesterday to visit family."

"That's a shame. I really wanted to see them. No matter. Why don't we have that lunch and then we can begin the inspection of the pack house." The shock on Mitch's face was not hard to miss and it made Asher's smile bigger.

Hi my lovelies! Sorry it's been a week. I will try to get back to 3 weekly updates this week. Please vote, comment, follow and share.

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