Chapter 12

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As she sat in a boring lecture on Pursuing Inquiry in Medicine, her thoughts began to wander.It had been a month and Kyra finally felt like she could breathe. They had not heard anything from Alpha Gordon. Kevin was taking her on dates. They smiled at each other and held hands. Kevin said they had to establish they were a couple before the Alpha came back. Whenever they were around pack or in public they put on their show. At first it was really hard for her. It didn't feel right but, as the bond weakened it became easier. Kyra suddenly realized that people were leaving. She groaned. That's just great! I have no idea what was said for the last hour. She packed up her stuff and left the lecture hall. As she exited the door, her stomach gave a loud grumble. Embarrassed, she looked around to make sure that no one heard. It was definitely time for a trip to the Courtyard Cafe. They had the most amazing build your own burger bar.


Kevin put down the phone and put his head in his hands. Alpha Gordon would be here tonight. He knew what he had to do but could not bring himself to do it. He got up from his desk and walked to the bar in the corner. He poured a hefty shot of JD and drank it in one go. He closed his eyes as he felt the burn. "Okay Kevin you can do this." He walked back to his desk and picked up his phone to sent a text.

Kyra I need you to meet me at your apartment in one hour.

What's wrong?

Just meet me there and I'll explain. I'm leaving the pack house now.


Kevin hurried out of his office and into his car.


Kyra looked down at her phone with dread. She felt like she was going to vomit. Her hands were shaking as she threw away her food. There would only be one reason he would need to meet. She walked out of the cafe and to her car, with no memory how she got there. Kyra shook her head to clear her mind and got into her car. Her mind was running over all the possible outcomes for this visit. When she looked around she realized she had again been on auto-pilot. She was parked in the garage of her building.

Kyra exited her car and went upstairs to her apartment. She threw her things on the table by the door and went straight to the kitchen. She stood in front of the cabinet, taking deep breaths. She slowly opened the cabinet and reached inside. She was about to do something she had not done in months. She reached into the next cabinet and got a large glass. Kyra took her things and sat at the island. With shaky hands she filled the glass with vodka. She raised it to her lips and drank half the glass. She began to feel the warmth and calming effects of the alcohol. Kyra picked up the glass and downed the rest. She was about to pour another glass when she heard the doorbell. Kyra took a deep breath and stood, with a slight sway. She made it to the door as the bell rang again. "Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm coming!" Then she giggled as she threw open the door. "Hi ya Alpha!"

Kevin was stunned. "Kyra have you been drinking?"

"Just a little something to take the edge off." Kyra giggled again and slapped her hand over her mouth.

Kevin shut the door and took her by the arm. "Come on, let's get you some coffee." He pulled her into the kitchen and set her on a stool. "Kyra I can't believe you did this. We have come too far and worked too hard to screw up now." He ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. He knew her being a wolf that the alcohol would burn off quickly but he wasn't taking any chances. "I'm going to make you some coffee, then you are going to get a shower and dress. We need to get to the pack house right away to prepare." Kyra put her head down and nodded.

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