Chapter 28

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Jason woke to an empty room. He wanted to go look for Kyra to explain why he marked her. It wasn't to possess her, it was to bring her wolf back. Of course he didn't want her to reject him either. He was weak and his head was pounding, making it hard to think.

Dr.Madison could you bring me something for my headache and ask Kyra to come up.

I'll be there shortly Alpha.

Jason cut the link and tried to sit up. Waves of nausea and pain forced him back down. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths to try and ease his suffering. There was a knock on the door. The sound making him growl with pain. "Come in." Mark walked in with Mitch.

"Alpha I'm going to give you an injection. It will work quicker to lessen the pain." Jason could only nod slightly. Mark gave him the injection and stepped away from the bed. Jason looked at Mitch. Mitch shifted uncomfortably and looked down at his shoes. Jason knew something was wrong. He waited for the meds to kick in before he spoke. "Can I have some water." Mitch still wasn't looking him in the eye. He nervously walked to the bedside and poured a glass of water, Helping Jason to sit up and drink. Jason pushed the glass back at Mitch and glared. Then he turned to Mark. "Where is Kyra?"

Mark would not meet his eyes. "Boston, we think. Lisa is gone too. We think she helped them get Kyra out."

Jason growled and tried to link his father. There was nothing. He looked at Mitch. "How could you let them take her?! Where is my Dad? Tell him I need to see him right away."

Mitch's eyes flicked to Mark asking for help. Mark shook his head and stepped forward as Mitch stepped back. "Alpha I am sorry to inform you that your father is no longer with us. We are caring for your mother as well as we can. I don't know if she will survive this." Jason was shaking with anger and grief.

"I don't want details yet, just tell me who."

Mitch cleared his throat and squared his shoulders. "Alpha Haynes."

Jason let out a long mournful howl. His eyes were black when he looked at them. "This is war! I will not stop until he is dead and I have my mate back!" He jumped out of bed and started for the door.

Mark tried to stop him. "Alpha you're not fully healed you need to rest."

"I'm going to see my mother!" Mark flinched back. "Mitch I want you and James in my office in one hour!" He didn't wait for a reply and stormed out the door.


Kyra was eating breakfast when her heart suddenly constricted with a sense of overwhelming grief. She dropped her spoon in her bowl of cereal and put her hand on her heart. She closed her eyes and started to cry. Kevin jumped from his chair and went to her. Pulling her in his arms. "What's wrong beautiful?" Her tears had turned to sobs. Kevin sat down and pulled her onto his lap. "Please talk to me. Tell me what's wrong so I can fix it." Kyra just lay there against his chest crying. He linked Lisa to come to the kitchen. Kevin stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. Lisa came running into the kitchen. She kneeled down by Kyra and took her hand.

"Kyra tell me what's wrong sweetie." Kyra's other hand was still over her heart and she was rubbing it. Lisa suddenly realized what was going on. "Alpha I think she is feeling Jason's pain."

Kevin gave a low growl. "Damn that mark!" He pulled her tighter into his arms. "Its going to be okay beautiful."

Kyra wanted to push him away but she was too weak from grief. She still felt a slight tingle when they touched but, it felt wrong. She heard Lisa and Kevin talking but couldn't respond. The overwhelming pain in her heart was almost too much to bear. She had to get herself under control and call Jason and find out what was going on. Taking deep breaths she finally got her crying under control. She sat up and pushed herself off Kevin's lap. She held up her hand before they could speak. "I have to call Jason." Kevin had a hurt look on his face and Lisa looked shocked.

"Kyra you can't do this. It will make the bond harder to break. Remember what he has done to you." Lisa was trying to make her see reason.

Kyra shook her head. "He is my mate and he needs me." She turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Lisa looked at Kevin. "I'm sorry Alpha."

Kevin had a faraway look in his eyes. Lisa was wondering if she should leave, when he finally spoke. "I don't know what to do. How can I compete with a mate bond?"

"It's just a couple more days and the mark will fade and she will be her old self again. Please don't give up."

Kevin stood and started out of the room. "I have work to do."

Lisa sighed and went to find Kyra. She had to stop her from making that call.

So sorry for the long wait. I have been really sick. I should get back on schedule this week. Please vote, comment, follow and share.

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