Chapter 18

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Kyra looked around, she was in a very foggy forest. She was wearing a long white dress and no shoes. She couldn't figure out how she got here. She lifted her left hand and looked at it. There were sparks and tingles erupting from her hand up her arm. She could hear someone calling her name but the fog was so thick, it seemed to echo around her. She turned in circles but could not tell what direction to go to. "Kevin? Is that you? Please get me out of here." She walked around but every direction was the same, thick fog and trees. "Kevin?" Disoriented, she sat down and cried.


Kevin tried to work but his wolf kept whining. He tried to ask him what was wrong but all he did was whimper. Something was wrong. If his stupid wolf would talk to him maybe he could figure it out. Finally he had had enough.

Stop whining like a pup and tell me what's happening!

Aria, I can't feel her.

Who's Aria?

Kyra's wolf.

Kevin grabbed his phone and dialed Kyra. It went straight to voicemail. He tried Tia and it rang out before going to voicemail. He tried mind linking them and hit a blank wall.


Yes Alpha?

Have you talked to Tia or Kyra?

I talked to Tia a couple of hours ago. They were at the mall with the people from her old pack.

I want you to call your sister and mind link her until she answers.

Sure Alpha. I could go over there. I'm not that far from the apartment. I'm just leaving campus so it'll be about 20 minutes.

That's a good idea Tommy. Let me know as soon as you get there.

Kevin cut the link. His gut was telling him something was wrong. He could not sit there waiting on Tommy. It was an hour drive and if something had happened, he would just be that much longer before he got there. He jumped up and ran out to his car. Mind linking his Beta on the way, to let him know what was happening. He was halfway to the apartment when Tommy linked him.

Alpha please hurry! Bring the pack doctor!

What's happening?

Tia is unconscious and barely breathing.

Where's Kyra?

I don't know but...all her things are gone.

Kevin gave a tremendous roar and slammed his fist on the steering wheel, cracking it. "I will kill him!" He linked his Beta to send the pack doctor and then floored the car. The powerful engine of the Mercedes rocketing him forward. He didn't care if there was a whole fleet of police behind him, he was not stopping until he was at the apartment.


Jason sat beside the bed holding her hand. He could not believe what his father did. He was happy to have her close to him but, was afraid of how she would react when she woke up. They were getting along so well. He had planned on asking her out. He should of stood up to his father. He heard the door open and close quietly.


"What is it dad?"

"Just sitting there watching her is not going to make her wake up. The sedative had a little wolfsbane in it, so she will sleep for a couple of days."

Jason was angry. "Why the hell did you give her wolfsbane?!"

"Calm down son. I didn't want her to try and shift or communicate with him. Her wolf would of taken over when I injected her otherwise." Jason still glared angrily at his father. "Listen son, why don't you do something that will make her happy and feel more comfortable when she wakes up."

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