Chapter 25

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Tommy felt like he had been stabbed in the chest. How could his mate be 'her'. The one thing he had always looked forward to and now he couldn't have it. She was so beautiful and smelled like violets. He shook his head to push the thought away. Tommy hurried back downstairs to a surprised Henry. "Where are they?"

Tommy shook his head. "I didn't see Josh. Just mind link him. I can't go back up there." His wolf was howling and it was giving him a headache. He pressed the heel of his hands to his eyes. He couldn't believe the moon goddess would do this to him.

"What's wrong with you man?"

Tommy snapped. "Nothing!" Henry raised an eyebrow at him and Tommy bowed his head. "I'm sorry Beta. I'm a little stressed right now."

Henry was trying to be understanding but could not allow any disrespect to go unaddressed. "Tommy you are never to speak to your superiors that way. No matter the situation, remember your place." He nodded and walked to the SUV to check on the Alpha. Kevin was sitting up drinking some water. He heard the exhange between them.

"Tommy what's going on?" Kevin's voice was weak. He had been in restrations for just over an hour. Tommy was about to answer when the other men pulled up. Tommy just shook his head and walked over to talk to the men.

Kevin looked up and Josh was walking towards the SUV with Kyra in his arms. Lisa was walking, head down, occasionally wiping a tear from her eyes. Kevin frowned unsure if her tears were for Kyra or something else. Maybe she was having second thoughts about leaving her pack. He wanted to run over and grab Kyra from Josh but didn't have the strength. Josh brought her over and placed her on the backseat. Kevin moved over to rest her head in his lap. He caressed her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. He felt the tingles but they were not as strong as before. Kevin growled lowly when he looked at the mark on her neck. He heard sniffles and look out at Lisa. "What's wrong?"

"I found my mate." She looked up at him as tears began pouring down her face. "I think he rejected me."

"What do you mean, you think?" Kevin had to be cautious with her.

"He came into the room and seemed really happy to meet me. Then when I told him my name he stepped away from me, said 'no' and left."

Kevin was angry that someone from his pack would do that to their mate. "Who was he?"

Lisa shook her head. "I don't know. He left before I could ask."

Kevin had heard enough. "Henry!"

Henry came running over. "Yes Alpha?"

"Who has been in the room since the girls got here?"

"Quite a few. Did they do something?"

Lisa was shaking her head, her eyes were wide with desperation. Kevin decided to let it go for now. "I just have some questions. We can take care of it when we get home. Is everyone ready to go?"

"We haven't decided who will drive Kyra's car. But otherwise we're ready."

"Have Tommy drive it. Lisa and Josh can ride with him."

Henry nodded and called over to the men. "Josh..Tommy!" They came walking over and Tommy had a panicked look in his eyes when he saw Lisa. "You two are taking Kyra's car. Lisa will ride with you."

Just as Tommy was going to protest, Lisa jumped in. "I want to stay with Kyra. Please Alpha?"

Kevin shook his head. "I'm sorry there is only enough room for us and the guards. You will be safe with them. They are two of my best men." Kevin knew from Lisa's reaction that one of the two was her mate. The stricken look on her face when she saw them walk over was telling. He planned to have both of them in his office, as soon as Kyra was settled. "It's only a couple of hours and then we will be home." Lisa bowed her head and nodded. Tommy stormed off towards the car. Josh laughed and followed him. He thought this would be an interesting drive. He had heard what happened between Lisa and Tommy.


Lisa's wolf had not stopped howling and whining for her mate. His scent permeated the car. It was an amazing combination, musky and fruity. They had only been driving for a few minutes and she didn't know how she was going to be able to make it for another two hours. The couple of times she had looked up at him, his posture was stiff and his jaw clenched, knuckles white on the steering wheel. She was afraid to look in the mirror at his eyes, Lisa knew she would see hatred there. After everything that had happened, the one thing she had looked forward to was meeting her mate. The one person who would love and protect her. Now she had nothing. Lisa laid down on the backseat and closed her eyes, crying silently. She prayed to the moon goddess to let her fall asleep and never wake up.


Tommy's head was pounding. Between his wolf whining and seeing his mate upset he didn't know if he would be able to make the drive. He looked in the rear view mirror and saw her looking at him with such sadness that he almost stopped the car to comfort her. His mind was a jumbled mess. Lisa was the reason for everything that had happened. If not for her, Kyra would of never suffered, his sister wouldn't be in a coma and the Alpha would of never killed anyone. He didn't have it in him to reject her. He decided it would be best to just stay away from her. Supposedly she had changed and even helped them retrieve Kyra. But, she had been ready to mate with someone who was not her mate. Which means she had not thought about him and would of rejected him. With that thought his resolve was strengthened. He needed to concentrate on what was important and that was his sister.

Tommy noticed that Josh kept looking back at Lisa. "What's up man? Why do you keep looking at her?" He tried to sound calm but his wolf wanted to break his neck for looking at his mate.

"Didn't you look at her? She is hot! I think she likes me. I'm going to ask her out once she's settled in." Josh grinned at him.

Tommy gritted his teeth. "Leave her alone man. Everybody knows your rep."

"What? I'm not like that bro. I'm just talking about a date." Josh couldn't help but laugh. For the rest of the trip he tortured him about Lisa.

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