Chapter 37

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Kyra and Kevin pulled away breathless. Her legs unwrapped from his waist and she slid down his body, never losing eyes contact. He moved his hands slowly up her body and cupped her face. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Everything. Being angry with you. Making you a slave. Trying to entice you with my delicious body." Kyra laughed. "Well maybe not the last part." He gave her one of his killer smiles.

Kyra reached up and touched his face. He sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm the one who needs to apologize. I should have never left. I know I could blame it on the mark, that was part of it. But it was my guilt that made me leave. I felt responsible for the Alpha's death. I just wanted to help his mom through it. It was never about you." Kevin looked at her face searching it intently for any deception. Her eyes held honesty and love. He pulled her close and gave her the most tender and sweet kiss. She moaned at his touch.

"Please don't ever leave me again. I don't think my heart could take it." He looked her deeply in the eye. Taking a deep breath he knew he had to say it. "I love you Kyra." Kyra stared at him open mouthed. She never thought this moment would ever come. She had almost given up hope. A lone tear fell from her eye as she stared at the wonderful man in front of her. "Please say something beautiful." He had a worried look on his face. Kyra snapped out of her daze, jumped in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I love you...I love you...I love you!" Each declaration was punctuated with a kiss. Kevin laughed and spun them around. Kyra giggled and started pecking him all over the face.

"Come on beautiful lets go get some lunch. You haven't been eating like you should." Kyra nodded and they started out of the gym. Kevin stopped and took her hand. "By the way, I know there are two bottles of my whiskey missing."

Kyra lowered her head. "It was the only way I could sleep. "

He took a finger and lifted her chin. "I know. But in the future I will be the cause of your sleepless nights for another reason and the smile on your face when you go to sleep." Kyra blushed a bright red. Kevin laughed and pulled her through the door.


Tia stood outside the gym doors eavesdropping. When they stopped at the door, she took off running for the kitchen. She quickly grabbed an apple and sat down at the counter, waiting. When they walked in holding hands and smiling, Tia smirked. "Whatcha been up to Kyra?"

Kyra blushed and dropped Kevin's hand, running to the refrigerator and sticking her head inside. "Nothing really. Just talking." She started pulling out everything to make sandwiches, refusing to look at Kevin or Tia.

Kevin sat down and looked at Tia. He knew she was up to something. He shook his head no and Tia huffed and looked back at Kyra. "So...I was thinking that we should have a girls night. You know since I was in a coma and then you left and you've been spending all your time with the Alpha." She looked at Kyra with her sad puppy face. Kyra looked at Kevin and he had a scowl on his face. She looked from Tia to Kevin and back again. The guilt of not being there for her bestie was getting to her. Finally she sighed and looked sadly at Kevin.

Kyra gave a small smile to Tia. "Okay. Girls night it is but, we have to include Lisa." Tia squealed and clapped her hands. Kevin growled lowly before getting up from his seat.

"I have work to do in the office. Kyra when you're finished could you bring the food?" Kyra sighed and nodded.

"Oh Kyra this is going to be so much fun! Lisa and I have been waiting for this day." There was a mischievous look in her eyes.

Kyra narrowed her eyes. "What are you up to?" Tia giggled and shook her head. Kyra gave up. She placed the sandwiches, chips and sodas on a tray and left the kitchen.

Hi my lovelies! It has been problem after problem. My internet was down. I'll have another update for you tomorrow. 😃 please vote, comment, follow and share.

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