Chapter 42

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"Soren it's Kevin." Heavy silence on the other end of the line had Kevin believing that whatever Jason had told him wasn't good. "I need to talk to you about Alpha Gordon."

Soren's voice was stern and unfriendly. "What do you need?"

"I want to know why he is so freely walking on your land?"

"Listen Kevin we have been friends for a long time but, I can not support you in this matter. He only wants his mate back. You of all people should know what it's like to lose your mate."

Kevin was starting to burn with anger. "She is my mate! Not his! He rejected her! You were there when all that shit went down at their pack house!"

Soren sighed. "Tell me your side of the story."

"He came to the boundary fence demanding to see me and Kyra. He told her that if she did not leave with him at midnight, he would hurt her parents."

"It's not that I don't believe you but I need to speak with Kyra."

"Sure. Hang on." Kevin walked to the couch to wake up Kyra. "Baby wake up. Alpha Soren would like to speak to you." Kyra groggily sat up and took the phone. Kevin sat beside her and put an arm around her shoulders.


"Kyra can you tell me what's going on over there?"

"Jason is trying to take me away from Kevin and..." Her voice strangled with a sob. "H-He says that he will h-hurt my p-parents if I don't go." Kyra gave into her sobs. Burying her face in Kevin's shirt and handing the phone back to him.

"Soren we just mated last night. Do you think he would still be standing if they were mates?"

"Shit! I'm sorry Kevin." He took a deep breath. "He called me 2 days ago and said that you were holding her against her will. Also that she had called him begging for him to come get her. I offered to call and broker with you to get her back. He refused and said Kyra told him if she tried to leave you would forcefully mate her."

"How could you believe that about me?"

"He put her father on the phone and he told me that Kyra had been calling and begging for help. It was her father Kevin, how could I not believe him?"

"Jason had to have threatened him in some way. There is no way Mark would have willingly allowed Kyra to go back."

"What can I do to help?"

"I need to surround them when Kyra goes out to meet him. Then I can take him down."

"Count me in. Just let me know where and when."

Kevin finished his conversation with Soren. Turning back to the sobbing mate in his arms. "Don't worry beautiful everything will be okay."


Councilman Grey had been watching the Beta all through lunch. He had no doubt that their information was correct and the Madison's were being detained. "Beta Mitch if you don't mind I need to use your office to make some calls. In the mean time you and Alpha Asher can begin the inspection with the smaller items such as observing training."

Mitch sighed with relief and smiled. "Of course councilman. Are you ready Alpha?" Asher nodded and they got up from the table and headed outside.

Grey walked to the office and shut the door. He closed his eyes and listened to make sure there was no one nearby that could eavesdrop on his conversation. Satisfied he sat down and pulled out his phone. When the call connected he didn't wait for a hello. "How quick can you get a contingent of enforcers here?"

"Grey it will probably take 3-4 hours. Is it what we expected?"

"Yes. I had my doubts when Alpha Haynes called but he was spot on. We are going to need someone here if we take the Beta in custody. I'm going to talk to the third in command and see what he knows. They may have kept him out of the loop."

"Do I need to come?"

"Not unless we have to replace the Alpha. I could hold things together for a few days until you can get here."

"I sent out word to the enforcers, they're on the way. Keep me posted."

Grey hung up and put his face in his hands. He hated dealing with these situations. It was never easy seeing an Alpha brought down. He sighed and dialed the next call.

"Alpha Haynes."

"Kevin its Grey. I have everything here under control. But you have to listen to me. You can not kill him. Only detain him. Am I clear?"

Kevin growled. "After all that son of a ..."

"Kevin! Am I clear?"

"Crystal." He growled again and hung up.

Hello! Going to do another update tomorrow. Please vote, comment follow and share.

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