Chapter 29

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Tommy sat in his usual spot beside Tia's bed, talking to her. He was explaining the latest debacle with Kyra being marked when her head moved. He jumped up and grabbed her hand, leaning over her slightly. "Come on sis, wake up." Tia moaned and squeezed his hand.

Alpha...Doc...Kyra! Get up here Tia is waking up!

He was so excited he wanted to jump around and do a victory dance. She moaned some more and her eyes started to flutter. He heard pounding feet coming up the stairs. As everyone rushed in the room she opened her eyes. "Thank the goddess!" The doctor came over and pushed Tommy aside, checking her monitors. Kyra rushed to the other side of the bed and grabbed her hand. Tommy stiffened when he smelled 'her'. He turned to her with a glare and Lisa bowed her head. Kevin moved to stand beside Lisa when he saw how Tommy was looking at her. When Tommy heard Tia call his name he turned back to the bed.

"What is it little sister?"

Tia's voice was croaky. "Stop being an ass and I am not your little sister, I am older than you."

Tommy laughed and everyone joined in even the doctor. "Only by five minutes. Plus I am a big manly wolf." Tia scoffed and shook her head. She turned to Kyra.

"How are you? I thought they took you."

"Let's not talk about me. How are you? Are you hungry...thirsty?"

"Yes and yes!"

Kevin walked over to the bed. "I just sent word for someone to bring you food and juice."

"Thank you Alpha." She looked over at the doctor. "Can you unhook me from all this crap now?"

"Of course. However you need to take it slow, you have been unconscious for a week. Your wolf will finish the healing process much better if you rest."

Tia couldn't believe what she heard. "What the hell! A week?! I'll kill that ass of an Alpha if I get my hands on him!"  When she saw the looks pass between everyone, she was worried. "What's going on? What happened?"

Kevin spoke up. "The Alpha is dead. I don't want you worried about that right now. You need to get well." Tia was so shocked all she could do was nod. There was an uncomfortable silence. The doctor cleared his throat.

"I need to get back to the infirmary. If you need anything just give me a call."  He turned and left the room just as Maria was bringing in a tray of food. Kyra helped her to sit up. Tia's eyes lit up at the tray of food. Bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast and a pitcher of Juice. She poured a glass of juice and gulped it down.

"Alpha..Kyra, if you don't mind I would like to talk to my brother and Lisa." Lisa's eyes went round with worry. Tommy clenched his jaw.

Kyra gave Tia a hug. "No problem, I'll come back to see you later." Kevin winked at Tia and they left the room.

"Alright you two get over here and sit down! I want to know why mates are acting like this?!"


Kyra quickly walked down the stairs and out the back door to avoid Kevin. She walked into the woods far enough away that she was sure no one would hear her. She took her phone out and stared at the screen, rehearsing in her mind what she wanted to say. With a big sigh, she unlocked her phone and scrolled through her contacts. She hesitated for a minute with her finger over the call button. "You can do this Kyra."  She hit the button before she could change her mind. After the fourth ring she was about to hang up, thinking he wouldn't answer, when he finally picked up.

"Alpha Gordon." His voice was stern and hard. Kyra couldn't get her mouth to work. "Who is this? I don't have time for games!"

"Jason?" Her voice sounded weak and she mentally cursed herself.

"Kyra?! Baby is that you?!" His voice had changed to one of hope and happiness.

"It's me. How are you? I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Is your mom okay?"

"Mom isn't doing good. You know that wolves rarely survive the death of their mate. Your mom is with her and your dad has kept her sedated." She could hear the grief in his voice.

"I'm so sorry Jason. This is all my fault. If you had just come home with you none of this would have ever happened." 

"Babe don't blame yourself this is all Alpha Haynes fault! If he had just stepped back like dad asked and gave us a chance to work this out, dad would still be alive."

Kyra knew it was her fault and saw no reason to upset Jason even more by arguing. "I know this is hard on you. I wish there was something I could do to help."

"The best way to help me is to come home. I need you here babe. The pack needs you." His voice was sad and pleading. Kyra's guilt was so strong she felt as if she couldn't breathe. She knew what she had to do.

"I'll come. Just give me some time to figure out how to leave without anyone knowing."

"On my goddess! Thank you so much! I can't wait to see you!" He sounded like a little kid at Christmas and Kyra couldn't help but smile.

"I have to go now. I don't want anyone to overhear our conversation. I'll call you when I'm out of this territory. Bye Jason."

"Bye babe. I love you." Kyra was shocked and didn't know what to say, so she just ended the call.

Kyra started back to the pack house. She wanted to see Tia and Lisa and say goodbye without them realizing it was a goodbye.

Sorry for being away so long. I'm feeling much better and back to writing. I appreciate everyone's well wishes.

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