Chapter 19

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Lisa had moved back into her old room, when they brought Kyra home. She felt humiliated. Pack members would point and whisper when she walked by. The Luna gave her angry glares and refused to speak to her. The Alpha still had not given her a punishment. Lisa was hoping he would forget. She was angry at Jason and still plotting revenge. Lisa thought the best revenge would be to make him feel what she was feeling. She decided that as soon as Kyra was awake, she would help her reject Jason and escape. For the first time in 3 days, she smiled.


Alpha Gordon sat at his desk going over rogue reports, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in."

The pack doctor, Mark and his wife Christine entered. He stood and smiled. "It's good to see you both. Have a seat."

"Thank you for seeing us." Mark looked at his wife, then back to the Alpha. "We want to talk to you about Kyra."

"Of course. I was going to call you in for a meeting, then you contacted me. I think we both have her well being at heart."

Mark cleared his throat."Hmm. We are upset that she was given wolfsbane and the fact she was taken against her will. Jason denied her. She should have been given the choice to come back."

"I know this is upsetting for you. Please allow me to explain. Jason regrets his actions. He wants them to mate. When we got there she was dating the Alpha. He refused to step back and threw me out of his territory. He claims they also have a bond, which is preposterous. The goddess only gives us one mate. Since he is delusional and has convinced Kyra as well, I could not risk her contacting him. She needs to be here so the bond will repair."

"Alpha. What if she rejects Jason? Will you force her to stay? We only want what is best for our daughter. Even if that means her leaving." Christine was not convinced of his explanation.

"Do you know what happens to an Alpha without their true mate?"

Mark spoke up. "They are unable to shift. They go into a depression. If they don't come out of the depression, they become weak. Some even die."

"Exactly. That is why me must do everything in our power to make sure they mate. Not only for my son, but the future of this pack."

"You still haven't answered my questions." Christine was not giving up.

"If and this a big if, she rejects him I will try and convince her to reconsider. If she won't, I will not force her to stay."

"You're right Alpha. The future of the pack must come first. Christine and I will work with her and try to convince her to mate with Jason." Mark gave him a reserved smile. Christine was not so sure. Something didn't ring true in his explanation .

When they left, Marcus mused over their conversation. In the end everyone would thank him, he was sure of it. However, he had no intentions of letting Kyra reject Jason or leave.


The fog was starting to lift. Kyra could see a little better but was still unsure of which way to go. She was cold and angry. She looked around at the forest and strained to see if she could hear the voice again. Nothing. Without the voice to guide her, she had no hope of leaving. She decided to just sit and wait until she heard the voice again. She prayed to the goddess that it would be soon.


Jason stood in the room with Kylie. He was amazed at the transformation. It looked so, for want of a better word, adult. It reminded him of his parents room. "Are you sure she's going to like this Kylie?"

"Bro you worry too much. Remember Kyra and I were friends. This is definitely her style. But you have to understand that having a nice room won't make up for the mistakes you made. You've got some serious ass kissing to do."

Jason ran his hands through his hair. "I know. I'm just not sure how to start."

Kylie felt sorry for Jason and realized this was not the time to tease him. "Go slow. Whatever you do don't talk about mating. Just spend time with her and let her see the real you. And for goddess sake, be romantic!"

Jason gave a small laugh. "Thanks. Can you turn down the bed? I'm going to the guest room and bring Kyra back in here."


Jason picked Kyra up carefully and walked back to the bedroom. The tingles were making him smile and his wolf howl. He laid her on the bed and tucked the duvet around her. He sat down beside her and looked at her sleeping form. She was so beautiful. "I know you're asleep and probably can't hear me but there are some things I want to say to you." He picked up her small hand in his. "All my life you have been my best friend. You have always supported and encouraged me. Even last year when mom gave me that awful haircut, you told me I could start a new trend. Then you mumbled 'hopefully it will grow out fast'." He laughed at the memory of Kyra trying not to laugh when she saw his hair. "I hate myself for the pain you had to go through, when I sent you away. I was a mess. I couldn't eat, sleep, focus or shift. The few times I was able to sleep it was on your bed with your scent. Don't get me wrong, I know you had it worse, because I denied you. So many times I have wanted to go back and do it all over again. To take you in my arms, kiss you and mark you as mine. I will do anything to make you happy." Jason took a shaky breath. "Even if that means I have to let you go." A lone tear escaped the corner of his eye and rolled down his face.

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