Chapter 13

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They were in Kevin's office, waiting. Kyra could not keep still. She would sit and then jump up to pace. Repeating this process over and over again. "Kyra! Sit down! You have got to get yourself under control. He will know something is wrong if you don't." Kevin stood and walked to the bar in the corner. He poured two drinks and walked back to his desk and sat them down. He pulled a chair over beside his. "Kyra sweetie come over here and sit." She walked over and plopped in the chair. "Here drink this. It will help you to calm down."

Kyra grabbed it, threw her head back and guzzled it all down. In seconds she felt like her chest was on fire and started to cough. "What...was...that?!"

Kevin laughed. "It's wolf whiskey. Your meant to sip it not chug it."

Kyra glared at him. "You could of told me that."

"You didn't give me a chance!" His eyes twinkled with delight. " I think you..." His eyes glazed over and she knew he was talking to someone. He frowned, then turned to her. "They're here." He watched her as a look of terror crossed her face. "Take deep breaths. You need to remain calm and smile when they come in. If it gets to be too much, excuse yourself and go to the my bathroom. It's the door beside the fireplace."

"Okay. I can do this. I just have to not look at him directly."

"No Kyra, you can not avoid eye contact. He will be watching for that. You will stay seated beside me, just reach over and grab my hand if you need to." Kyra nodded and Kevin breathed a sigh of relief. He sat down to wait. Finally the knock came. Kevin took Kyra's hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Are you ready?" She nodded. "Come in!"

Kevin was shocked, he had expected the Alpha and Luna. Behind him were Jason and Lisa holding hands. He recovered quickly and stood, holding out his hand. "Alpha Gordon it's good to see you again." Alpha Gordon stepped forward and shook his hand.

"Please Kevin call me Marcus." He looked to Kyra and she rose and bowed her head. He walked around the desk and took Kyra in his arms. "It is so good to see you again." He pulled back and looked at her and she smiled.

"It's good to see you too Alpha."

Kevin cleared his throat. "Marcus why don't you all have a seat." They all moved to their chairs and sat. "Dinner will be ready shortly. I'm sure you're hungry after that trip." Kevin gave one of his megawatt smiles. Kyra reached over and grabbed his hand. His thumb started making soothing circles on her hand. He didn't miss the pissed off look in Jason's eyes. That made him smile wider. "Marcus who is this you have with you? I was expecting the Luna."

"This is my son Jason and his mate Lisa." He cut his eyes to Kyra waiting for a reaction.

Kevin squeezed her hand and she spoke up as they discussed. "Lisa I'm so glad you're here. We will have to catch up." Kyra gave her a big smile. "Jason I'm sure you wouldn't mind me stealing your mate away for a bit after dinner." She met his glare with a friendly smile. Inside she was falling apart. His scent was driving her wolf crazy and looking in his eyes took her back to her weeks of pain.

Jason mumbled. "No problem."

Kevin stood, still holding Kyra's hand. "Dinners ready. Please follow us to the dining room." Kevin had to hold back a laugh at the pissed off look on Jason's face. He leaned over to Kyra and planted a kiss on her lips. They both smiled at each other as they heard the low growl. When they reached the dining room Kyra and Kevin walked to the head of the table and sat side by side. Kevin motioned to Marcus to sit on his left. Jason took the seat beside Kyra and Lisa beside him.

Kyra looked over at Jason with a smile. "How have you been Jason?" She looked towards Lisa. "I know you both must be very happy."

Lisa spoke before Jason could. "It's wonderful Kyra. I hope you find your mate soon so you will be as happy as we are." She was practically bouncing in her seat.

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