Chapter 23

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Kevin stood in the parking lot of the hotel with the two Alphas that had agreed to help him. When he explained to them what happened, they were concerned with Alpha Gordon's actions and were more than willing to help. They would each go in with two guards and the men from each pack would wait at the border. They would only be needed if the initial plan failed. Alpha Soren looked at Kevin. "Are we ready?" Kevin and Alpha Asher nodded. He dialed the number.

"Alpha Gordon."

"Marcus this is Soren. I am coming over with a couple of other Alphas. A situation has arisen that needs to be dealt with."

"What situation?" His tone was wary.

"I can't discuss it over the phone. We need to meet in person."

Marcus was silent for a moment. "Okay. I'll let patrol know to let you pass. How many are with you?"

"There are three of us and we each have two guards. We will be there in 30 minutes."

"See you then."

Alpha Soren hung up. Kevin called the men over. "Alright everyone, lets load up and get in position. Those going with us will go in these two SUV's." Kevin sent Lisa a text.

We're on our way.


Lisa was getting nervous. She had just received a text from the Alpha, they were on their way and everyone was still in the room. She hoped that whatever this distraction was it would get everyone out. Kyra still had not woken up, so she had to figure out a way to get her to the car. Jason had come back in and refused to leave. Lisa knew of only one person she could trust to help her, Mitch. He really cared for Kyra and was mad at Jason for denying her. Lisa took one last look at Kyra and left to go find Mitch. His room was on the ground floor, not the ideal place to talk with so many people around, but she was desperate. Lisa took a calming breath and knocked on his door. The door opened and Mitch glared at her. He still blamed her for everything that had happened.

"What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you about Kyra. It's important."

His glared softened at Kyra's name. "Five minutes." He held the door open and she nervously walked in.

"I need you to help me get Kyra down to her car."

"Why? What's going on?"

"I want to take her to the hotel in town until all this crap is resolved with Jason."

"What are you talking about?" Mitch was frowning at her.

"No one told you? Jason marked her without consent!"

"What the hell?! Why would he do that?" Mitch's face was turning red with anger.

"Doctor Madison told us that if Jason marked her that she would get her wolf back quicker. Kyra told him no and when he got her alone he marked her."

"Son of a...I'll help you. When do you want to do this?"

"I'll link you when everyone is out of her room. We will have to be quick. Thank you Mitch. If Kyra were able I'm sure she would thank you too." Lisa started walking to the door and Mitch stopped her.

"Why are you doing this?" He looked at her warily.

"Because she is my best friend and I lost sight of that with my own selfishness. I owe her." He nodded and she left to go back to Kyra's room.


When they got to the pack house it was decided that Kevin would wait outside until everyone was assembled. Soren and Asher took their guards and went inside, while Kevin, Henry and Tommy waited outside. Marcus answered the door and was confused as to why there were only two Alphas. "Soren...Asher, I thought you said there was another Alpha?"

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