Chapter 6

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Lisa was angry. Every time she thought she would be able to get the Alpha alone, someone always interrupted. Nine times out of ten it was Jason. She was starting to worry that he was going to change his mind. He hadn't told her that he loved her for over a month. When she said I love you, his response was 'you too'.

It had been three months and the bond was still there. She had tried every way possible to get Jason to at least mark her. She had even started sleeping nude and he would not even touch her. She didn't care if it hurt Kyra. She loved him. She was not about to lose him. Her only hope now was to talk to the Alpha and tell him that she was ready but, Jason refused to mate with her. Lisa was so tired of the curious stares, because she had no mark and her scent was still the same. It was humiliating for a future Luna.


Alpha Gordon was curious as to why Alpha Haynes was so quiet. "Excuse me Alpha, did you hear what I said?"

Kevin cleared his throat. "Yes I did. I am not sure what your question is for me. I was asked by Jason to get her an apartment because she was attending Harvard. As far as being her mate, I can't help you. You would need to talk to your son."

"I would like to come see Kyra and talk to her about the situation. If she is his mate, I want answers to why she is there and why someone else is pretending to be his mate."

Kevin was flustered. He saw no way around letting the Alpha come. It took all he had in him not to tell him to, 'leave her the hell alone'. "Okay. Well I have meetings for the next couple of days. How about Thursday or Friday?" He had to have time to prepare Kyra.

"I will be there on Friday." Alpha Gordon was a smart man. Something in the Alpha's tone told him that he knew more than he was saying.

"Great. I'll see you then. Goodbye"

Alpha Gordon hung up the phone. He sat contemplating the conversation. Something was definitely going on.


Jason was trying to train but every muscle in his body was screaming in agony. He knew it was the weakening of the bond. He had to force himself to eat, talk, smile. His life had become a facade. What he wanted to do was go to Kyra. He wanted to mark her and make love to his beautiful mate. His choice, which in hindsight was the height of stupidity, had left him in this state. He no longer wanted Lisa. Every time she touched him or tried to kiss him, he pushed her away. He just had to come up with a plan to get Kyra back. Jason I need to see you in my office.

Jason knew what he wanted and he didn't know if he would be able to hold out on his father much longer. Jason was surprised when he saw Lisa sitting on the sofa with a big smile on her face, in his Dad's office. "Hey Dad, what's going on?" He looked from Lisa to the Alpha.

"Jason take a seat. I asked you both here because you are the future Alpha and Luna." The Alpha waited for their reactions. Lisa seemed eager but Jason just scowled. "We are going to Alpha Haynes pack on Friday. I need you both packed and ready to go. Our flight leaves at 9am for Boston." Alpha Gordon almost laughed out loud. Jason was smiling and Lisa was scowling. He turned to Lisa and raised his eyebrow. "Is there a problem?"

Lisa put a fake smile on but she was seething inside. "Of course not Alpha. I'll get to see my best friend again." Those were the words that came out her mouth but, in her mind she was thinking I'll kill her if she gets near him.

"That's great Dad. I can't wait to see Kyra, we all miss her around here. Why are we going to Boston though?" Jason couldn't stop smiling. All he could think about was seeing Kyra.

"Alpha Haynes and I have some business to complete. I thought it would be a good idea to bring both of you. You need to know the customs of visiting another pack." He turned to Lisa. "Luna Marie will be working with you this week." He sat there looking between Jason and Lisa. "I know I can't press you on this but, it would be a good idea if you're mated before we go."

Lisa was about to speak, then Jason jumped in. "Dad, Lisa and I will discuss that later." Jason gave Lisa a look and she knew not to speak. "Is there anything else? I need to go back to training and I need to talk to Lisa privately."

"That's it. I will get with you to discuss your role in the visit." Alpha Gordon was smiling.

"Okay Lisa lets go." Jason took her hand and they walked out of the office.

Once they were out of hearing range of his father, he turned to Lisa with a scowl. "We are NOT mating. I promised Kyra that we would wait until the bond was broken and I will not go back on my word. Listen carefully. You will not tell anyone you are ready to mate." He used his Alpha tone and Lisa had no choice but to obey. He walked away leaving Lisa standing there shocked with tears in her eyes.

Lisa...Lisa..Lisa. What are you going to do now? Okay my lovelies here it is two updates in a row. Vote ⭐️, comment, follow and share

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