Chapter 36

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It had been a week of Kyra parading around in skimpy outfits and he was almost at his breaking point. But today would be his masterpiece. Kevin grinned at the thought of what he was about to do. He had linked Tommy, Lisa, Tia, Henry and Kyra to come to the gym. He was purposely late so he could make his entrance. When he walked in all conversation stopped. Kyra was looking at Lisa and Tia elbowed her to turn around. He smirked when he saw the look on her face. Her mouth was hanging open and her eyes flashed black. He was wearing tight black shorts and nothing else. His muscles flexed and rippled as he walked. his eight pack on display. He cleared his throat and Kyra seemed to snap out of it. Tia giggled and Kyra frowned and slapped her arm. "Okay everyone. The reason you are here is to train you in self defense. After your previous experience, I thought you needed to be able to defend yourselves. We will pair up and go through some basic moves, after we demonstrate them to you." Everyone nodded except Kyra, who was still staring at Kevin. Kevin smirked at her again and she seemed to shake it off.

Kevin nodded to Henry and Tommy and they stepped forward. " as they show you how to stop someone that grads you from behind." Tommy stood with his back to Henry and Henry grabbed him putting and arm around his throat. Instead of pulling at his arm, he elbowed him in the ribs and stomped on his foot to break the hold. Then he turned and kneed him in the crotch. Henry grunted and fell to the floor. All the girls giggled. Kevin gave them a scowl and they quieted, trying to look serious. "This is not funny! It could mean or life or death!" They hung their heads in shame. "Now let's pair up. Lisa with Henry, Tia with Tommy and Kyra with me."

"Alpha can't I be with my mate?"

"No Lisa. He would go easy on you and that is not what we want."

"But you're with Kyra?"

"Don't worry, I will not go easy on her." He looked at Kyra with a smirk. Kyra huffed and walked to the mat he was standing on. Kyra took a defensive stance facing him and grinned.

"Let's see what you got Alpha." Kevin laughed and was behind her in an instant with his arm around her throat. He whispered in her ear and it sent shivers all over her body.

"Okay beautiful. Give it your best shot." Kyra elbowed him and stomped on his foot as they were shown and he didn't even budge. "Try a little harder sweet cakes."  He laughed and Kyra was seeing red. She gave everything she had into his ribs and smashed his foot. There was enough give that she could turn around. Before she could knee him he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her tight to him. He moved his head to her neck and inhaled deeply. Kyra gasped as his lips trailed lightly up her neck to her ear. He pulled her earlobe between his teeth and growled lowly. Kyra moaned at the sound. He slid his hands down and cupped her butt, pulling her up until she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He kissed from her ear along her jaw. He pulled back and looked deeply into her eyes. They were pitch black as he knew his would be. His eyes flicked from her lips to her eyes as he moved forward. Kyra did not hesitate to close the gap as he took her in a searing kiss.

Everyone had stopped what they were doing with their mouths hanging open at their display. Henry cleared his throat. "Everyone out! Training is over for today."  They filed out as quickly as possible and Tia looked back one more time with a smirk, before she closed the door.

I am sorry that it has been a week. We had a death in our family and then I was sick. I will do my best to get back on track this week. Love you guys. Please vote, comment, follow and share. The pix is of Kevin's tribal tattoos.

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