Chapter 15

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Kevin woke up and stretched with a smile on his face. He dreamed about her all night. He couldn't get those beautiful grey eyes out of his mind. He couldn't wait any longer to talk to her. He grabbed his phone and sent her a text.

Good morning beautiful. He was surprised when she replied right away.

Good morning. How did you sleep?

Best sleep ever. I dreamed of you all night. How did things go last night?

Better than expected. He wanted to talk and I brushed him off. Told him I was tired.

Good girl. I miss you already. Want to go to dinner tonight?

Dinner sounds great. 7? BTW I miss you too.

7 it is. Have a good day at school. TTYL.


Kevin couldn't believe it, she missed him too. He jumped out of bed, heading to the shower. He wanted to get this day over with so he could spend the evening with her.


Kyra sat on the bed staring at her phone, smiling. Tia came out of the bathroom and smirked at her. "Who was that? Wait! Don't tell me. My guess is our sexy Alpha."

Kyra blushed. "Shut up Tia."

Tia burst out laughing and did a little wiggle dance. "I was right!" She jumped on the bed, almost knocking Kyra off. "I have an idea for after class." Kyra raised an eyebrow and looked at her. She had a bad feeling about Tia's 'idea'. "Don't look at me like that, it's a good idea. We invite Tommy over and let him have a go at Jason."

Kyra was shocked. "He can't just beat him up for no reason!"

"I'm not talking about beat him up. Just aggravate the shit outta him." Kyra was skeptical. Tommy could get hurt, Jason was an alpha. "Come on. It will be harmless fun and will keep Jason off your back."

Kyra thought it may work. It would help her avoid him and give her time to get ready for her date. "Fine. But! If this doesn't work, you're taking the heat."

Tia clapped her hands. "Yeah! This will be so much fun." She grabbed her hand, dragging her off the bed. "Come on let's get ready for classes."


Jason was sitting at the island drinking coffee. He had been awake most of the night. Her scent was driving him insane. He had even snuck into her room to watch her sleep. He was trying to come up with a plan to get her alone. He just couldn't figure out a way to get rid of Lisa. The only good thing to happen so far was his wolf talking to him again. Granted he was mostly whining but, it was a start. He didn't care what he had to do, he would get Kyra to accept him as her mate. He was so lost in thought he didn't hear them enter the kitchen.

"Hello?! You in there?" He looked up and that Tia girl was waving her hand in his face.

"Sorry. I didn't sleep well last night." He cut his eyes over to Kyra and she was just staring at him, sipping her coffee.

"Well Kyra and I slept like new born babies. Where's your little mate?"

God he wished this girl would shut up and go away. "She's in the shower."

"Hmm. Okay Kyra time to go. Don't want to be late to class."

"Wait! Kyra I thought you'd take some time off since we're here?"

Jason looked devastated. Kyra knew she had to leave fast or she would give in and stay. She sat down her coffee and started to walk towards the hall. "I'm really sorry Jason. This is my first year of med school, I can't miss anything. We'll talk later okay?"

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