Chapter 45

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Kyra sat beside the bed holding Kevin's hand. It had been a week and he was still out. The Doctor said he was lucky to be alive. The bullet hit a major artery and the wolfsbane traveled through his body quickly. Quick thinking by Henry prevented him from bleeding out. There was a small knock and the door opened. Tia peeked inside.

"Hey. How is he?"

Kyra rubbed her tired eyes. "The same. The doctor said his body is almost healed so he should be waking up soon."

"Well then you better do something about yourself. You look horrible." Kyra glared at her. Tia held up her hands in surrender. "Down girl! What I meant was you don't want him to see you like this when he wakes up. You've barely slept or eaten and you are in serious need of a shower."

"Seriously Tia?!"

Tia laughed. "Just telling you like it is. You've been in this room for a week. You need to shower, eat and get some sleep. I'll stay here with him and if he wakes up I will come get you right away."

Kyra sat thinking. The thought of leaving him was tearing her apart but she knew Tia was right. He would be angry that she hadn't taken care of herself. "Fine. But you have to promise you will call right away. "

"I promise! Now go!"

Kyra hurried to the bathroom to get a quick shower. As she undressed she realized that she could smell herself and frowned. Yeah it was a good idea. Definitely don't want Kevin seeing or smelling her like this. Kyra hurried through the shower and dressed quickly. When she came out of the bathroom Tia was sitting in the chair by the bed playing a game on her phone. "I will be back in just a few minutes." Tia gave her a dismissive wave and continued with her game. Kyra scowled at her then hurried down the stairs to the Kitchen. She found her favorite in the fridge, lasagna. She dished up a plate and put it in the microwave to heat, while she grabbed a soda. Her stomach growled when she took the plate out and took a smell of the cheesy goodness.

Kyra finished her food and rubbed her full stomach. That was exactly what she needed. She headed back up the stairs. When she opened the door there was Tia slumped over in the chair asleep. Kyra stomped over and pushed her out of the chair.

"What the hell?! Why did you do that?!" Tia was glaring up at her.

"You promised me you would watch him and come get me. But what were you doing instead? Sleeping! What if he had woken up Tia and wondered where I was?"

Tia stood up and brushed her butt off. "Well he is still asleep so I don't see the problem." Kyra was about to yell some more when she heard someone clear their throat. She turned to the bed and there were those beautiful green eyes staring at her with amusement.

Kyra could only manage a shaky whisper. "Kevin?" She dropped to her knees beside the bed and cupped his face as happy tears trailed down her cheeks. He reached up and wiped the tears from her face.

"Don't cry beautiful."

"I just so happy you're awake." Kyra turned to Tia. "Get the doctor."

"No! Wait! There is something I have to say first." Kevin turned her head towards him. "From the moment I met you I knew you were mine. We have endured a lot and it only made our love stronger. Every time I look in those beautiful eyes or see you smile I feel my heart expand with love and you take my breath away. There is only one thing I want in this life and that is forever with you. To see you round with our pups. Grow old together and to walk hand in hand in heaven when our time comes. You are my mate and I would love for you to be my wife. Kyra Madison will you marry me?"

Kyra chocked back a sob as she looked at him. Everything she would ever want was right in front of her. As heartbreaking as the rejection was from Jason, she would endure it again if it meant she would have the man in front of her. Not trusting her voice she nodded.

"Is that a yes?" He smirked at her.

With a half laugh and cry, she yelled. "Yes!"

Tia squealed, clapped her hands and then did a happy dance. "Yeah! We're going to have a wedding!"

The End

Hi guys I have pondered for a few months on where to go with this story. I have decided to do a spin off. It will include the wedding and a surprise for Kevin, but the main story will be about Tia.

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