Chapter 20

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Kevin sat at his desk going over the plan to rescue Kyra. The only part that had him worried was the time frame. His plan could take up to a month. He ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. He didn't want to be away from her that long. His wolf was already whining for Kyra. Kevin was exhausted and couldn't think straight. Every time he would try to close his eyes and rest, his mind would not shut down. A constant barrage of scenarios assaulted his mind. He was so consumed, it took him a moment to realize someone was knocking. "Come in." Just as the door opened his phone rang. Tommy walked in and he motioned for him to have a seat as he answered the phone. "Alpha Haynes."

"Hello Alpha. I need to speak to you about Kyra." The voice whispered.

"Who is this?"

"I can't tell you unless you promise to protect me, if anyone finds out I'm helping you, I could be charged with treason."

"I see. Well tell me what you want and I'll let you know if I can help you." He was curious now.

"Well...I'm here with Kyra. I want to help her reject Jason and get back to you."

"And what is in it for you?"

"To see Jason hurt and humiliated."

"Fine. Tell me your name. If it comes to it, you can move to my pack." He knew who it was after that little piece of information but, wanted her to say it.

"It's Lisa. I came with the Alpha and Jason to see Kyra."

"How do I know I can trust you? After all it was you and Jason who deceived everyone. Not to mention the pain you caused Kyra, by your own selfishness." Kevin could hear her taking deep breaths. Her voice was shaky when she spoke.

"I know what I've done Alpha and I'm not proud of it. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to Kyra. You're right I was selfish. We were best friends and all I though about was myself. I can't go back and undo what happened but I can help her now."

Kevin was satisfied that she was being truthful. "Here's what you need to do. Spend as much time with Kyra as you can. Run interference with the Alpha and Jason. Try not to leave her alone. Give me a couple of days to work out a plan."

"Okay. I can do that."

"Give me your number and we will text each other. I can't risk someone overhearing our conversations." Lisa gave him her number. "Also... is your phone password protected?"

"No. Why?"

"Put one on there as soon as we're off the phone. We can't have our communication falling into the wrong hands."

"Of course Alpha. Is there anything else?"

"That's it for now. I'll be in touch. And Lisa...Please tell her I miss her and we will be together soon."
Kevin hung up and gave Tommy a big smile. "It seems a new plan has fallen into our hands."


Kyra was sitting, drawing pictures in the dirt, to pass the time. Truth be told, it was a bunch of hearts with K&K in the middle. It was eerie here. No sounds you would expect to hear in a forest. She wondered why there were no animals or birds. Then she heard something and her head snapped up. She stood quickly, wiping the dirt from her hands and dress. There it was again, the voice and her hand started to tingle. "Thank you goddess!" The fog was clearing a path through the trees. She was so excited she almost fell over, running towards the path. She had to slow down, frustrated the fog was not clearing fast enough for her to run. As she walked the voice got stronger. A few more steps and she fell into darkness. She could feel herself laying on something really soft. The voice was clear now, it was Jason. Kyra could feel him holding her hand. She wanted to open her eyes so badly but couldn't. Kyra put all she had into moving her hand, finally able to give a small squeeze.


Jason sat looking at her. He hoped she understood what he said. Mark said that some people reported being able to hear those around them, when they were unconscious. Then he felt her hand move. "Oh goddess! Kyra baby open your eyes for me." He started kissing her hand and felt another squeeze. He linked Mark.

Mark come quick she's waking up!

We will be right there!

A few minutes later Jason could hear feet pounding up the stairs, then the door flew open. Mark, Christine, Mitch, His mom and dad, Lisa and Kylie all came rushing in. Mark quickly moved him aside. "Jason move out of the way so I can check her."

He took her vitals and looked in her eyes and ears. "Kyra honey, its dad. Can you squeeze my hand?" Everyone was watching with bated breath. Kyra gave a small moan and moved her fingers. "That's it baby girl! Try and open your eyes for me. I love you baby. Wake up and talk to daddy." Kyra moaned and moved her head slightly, then went quiet again and stopped responding to her father. "Jason come here. You're her mate. Talk to her and see if she will open her eyes. Alpha may I speak with you?" They walked out in the hall and shut the door. "How much wolfsbane and what sedative did you give her?"

"The usual Midazolam, 5cc."

"Dear goddess! That's what you'd give a male rogue, not an 18 yr. old girl!" Mark started pacing and running his hands through his hair. He was angry and wanted to yell at him, but he was the Alpha. "Do you realize what you've done? Her wolf could die!" Alpha Gordon looked shocked but didn't speak. Mark just shook his head and walked away.

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