Chapter 44

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Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. She saw Kevin leap in the air, the gunshot and then him fall to the ground. Kyra twisted and screamed in Jason's arms trying to get to him. She felt herself being lifted onto Jason's shoulder and him running. All the while she was screaming and crying for Kevin, as she was taken further from him. When they reached the car Jason tried to force her inside. Kyra fought, kicked and screamed. "Kyra stop it! Calm down! Just get in the car!"

"Let me go! How could you do this to me?! I hate you!" Kyra kicked out and her foot connect with his jaw. Jason stumbled back and she broke away from him and started running back to Kevin. She only managed a few feet before he tackled her to the ground. They wrestled on the ground for several minutes before she felt his weight lifted off her. Kyra lay there shaking and breathing heavily. The adrenaline had worn off and she was starting to feel Kevin's pain. Kyra heard a loud crack and knew someone's neck had been snapped. Kyra rolled to her back. Afraid of what she would see if she opened her eyes. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Soren's voice.

"Luna Kyra are you alright?"

She kept her eyes closed and managed a nod. "Pain. Kevin."

"They've rushed him back to the pack house. It's over. Jason is dead. Let me help you to the pack house."

Kyra felt a sharp pain in her thigh. She screamed from the intensity of it and felt herself falling into darkness.


Grey had called everyone to the office just before midnight. He seated himself in the Alpha Chair. Mitch and Andrew sat in the chairs in front of him and Asher was standing with his back to them at the window. He cleared his throat as he spoke. " I told you both when I arrived that I was here for an inspection. However, that is not true." He watched the men closely. Mitch's eyes were darting around the room and his heart was pounding. Grey could see a light sheen of sweat on his forehead. In contrast Andrew only looked confused. Andrew was the first to speak.

"What do you mean councilman?"

Asher had turned facing the men. "What the councilman is referring to is that we received a call that there were some issues with the pack."

Mitch had yet to speak. Only glancing at each person with a look of fear. Grey looked to Mitch. "Beta would you like to explain where Mark and Christine Madison are?"

"As I told you councilman they're away visiting family." Grey nodded at Asher and he went to the door. He opened it and Mark and Christine walked inside. Mitch looked like he was about to have a heart attack. "How?" No one answered him and he looked back at Grey.

"Beta Mitch you are under arrest and charged with false imprisonment, lying to the council and endangering your pack." Andrew looked shocked.

"You don't understand! I was on an Alpha order! I had no choice!"

"You know as well as I, that if a situation occurs that will endangers others that an Alpha order can be broken. Therefore you were compliant." Grey looked to Asher. "Call the guards." Asher went back to the door and motioned two men inside. By their size and dress they were clearly council enforcers. "Take him downstairs and put him in a level one cell."

"Andrew! Help me! Don't let them do this to me!" The guards placed platinum cuffs on him. Andrew looked at him with shock and sadness and shook his head. Then looked away as they took him from the room.

"Andrew please call your mate and ask her to join us." Andrew looked nervous but hurriedly linked his mate to come to the office. Minutes later she knocked and Asher led her into the room. "Please both of you take a seat." He smiled to help relieve the tension in the room. "You Andrew are the new Alpha of this pack and Katy dear you are the Luna. I know this comes as a shock but there are events happening that you are not aware of. I will explain everything after you take the oath. We will have the traditional ceremony at a later date."

Just as they were about to stand and do the oath, Andrew grabbed his head and growled. Then Katy grabbed hers and screamed. It stopped after a few seconds and Katy looked up with teary eyes. "Alpha Gordon is dead."

Hi my lovelies! Sorry for the wait but I am on vacation. Updates will be a little sporadic. We are coming to the end just a few chapters left. Please vote, comment, follow and share.

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