Chapter 31

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Lisa had gone back to her room and cried herself to sleep. Tommy sat outside her door. Torn between wanting to comfort her and just getting it over with and rejecting her. He heard her sobs quieten, then stop. He could tell she had fallen asleep by her even breathing and steady heartbeat. His wolf was making him crazy with all the howling and whining. Just as he had decided to leave, the Alpha walked up. When he looked up Kevin was scowling at him. "Tommy don't you think this has gone on long enough. Either accept her or reject her so she can heal. This torture can not continue."

Tommy nodded. "Your right Alpha. I'll do it right now." He stood up and reached for the doorknob taking deep breaths to prepare himself for what he had to do. Kevin patted him on the shoulder and walked away. Tommy turned the knob slowly and walked in, making sure to quietly shut the door.

Lisa lay on her side in the center of the bed. He saw her pillow was soaked with her tears. He walked to the edge of the bed and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath of her amazing scent. His wolf had calmed being so close to their mate. He was only whimpering now. As Tommy stood watching her she gave a sad whimper and her face contorted in pain. He couldn't stand it anymore. Tommy laid down on the bed and pulled her into his arms. Lisa moaned and snuggled in closer to him. Tommy smiled and kissed her forehead. Even with all the crying she still looked beautiful to him.


Kevin waited by the stairs to go to his bedroom. If she screamed he would go and comfort her. After a few minutes when he didn't hear anything, he smiled and went up the stairs. He had expected to find Kyra here. Her scent was here but faint. Kevin guessed she was with Tia and went to get a shower. When he came out of the shower he put on a pair of shorts and stretched out on the bed. He decided to just relax until she came back. It had been a stressful day dealing with the council investigation into Alpha Gordon's death. He wanted to just relax, hold Kyra and maybe watch a movie. When he turned over he saw something on the pillow. He opened the folded note. After the first line, he jumped off the bed and sent a pack wide link. Has anyone seen Kyra?! Let me know immediately if you do!

He took deep breaths trying to calm down before returning to the letter. He felt like he was being ripped apart. Slowly his eyes returned to the note in his hand.

Dearest Kevin,

When you get this note I will already be gone. Please don't come after me. I have to go and help the pack and the Luna. Jason has already lost his father, I don't think he could take losing his mother too.

If it wasn't for me none of this would have happened. Alpha Gordon would still be alive and the Luna would not be suffering. I should of rejected him as soon as he came to Boston. I tried to reject him before he marked me but we see how well that worked out.

Once everything is settled, I will return, if you still want me too. I will understand if you don't want me back. It seems I cause trouble wherever I am.


Kevin slumped down on the bed staring at the note in his hand. After everything they had been through he could not believe she would leave. He crushed the note in his hand and threw it across the room. He let out a tremendous howl of hurt, grief and anger.


Kyra sat in her car outside the pack house trying to decide what to do. Her heart said to go back to Boston but her guilt said to go inside and do what was right.

Let's go inside and see our mate

Aria! It's so good to hear your voice

I know you want to go back but we need to be here. I need my mate to finish healing.

I'm sorry Aria but I can't accept him as our mate.

I know. Please just stay long enough for me to heal and be strong for the rejection.

As soon as the mark is gone I am rejecting him and we are going back home. Connect with his wolf as much as you can over the next couple of days.

Aria whined, curled up and laid down. Kyra grabbed her purse and got out of the car. She looked up at the pack house, took a deep breath and started for the door.

I know everyone is upset at Kyra but just give her a chance. Please vote, comment, follow and share.

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