Chapter 8

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Alpha Gordon sat at his desk clearing up paperwork, so he would be ready to leave tomorrow, when he heard a ruckus outside. Men were shouting and women were screaming to the kids to get inside. Just as he was about to go investigate, a warrior ran into the room. He bowed quickly. "Alpha there are rouges on the eastern border. They've already killed 4 men. The Beta and ten warriors are there now."

"How many?"

"At least 20, that we saw." He was breathing hard.

Jason rogues are attacking keep 50 warriors here and you protect the pack house.

"Let's Go!" He ran out of the house and shifted, running to the border. There were a hundred warriors following him.


Jason was shocked but relieved, that his father would leave him at the pack house. He always followed him into battle, as the next Alpha in line. He knew that he didn't have the strength to fight. Not to mention his wolf refused to shift. He ran outside where the men were waiting. "I want you to spread out and form a perimeter. Edgar and Mason I want one of you to take the front door and the other the back. No one is to enter or leave, but me, until the battle is over. Go!"

Jason ran back into the pack house to check on the women and children. His mother was trying to quiet the kids. The women and pack doctor were setting up triage in the living room. He walked over to his mother, "Mom where's Lisa?"

She frowned at him. "She went up to your room. That is not the action I expected from a future Luna." Her voice was hard.

Jason was livid. "I'll be right back." He ran up the stairs two at a time and ran to the bedroom, slamming the door open. Lisa was laying on the bed crying and jumped when she heard the door slam open. "What the hell are you doing in here?!"

"I'm scared." She whimpered.

"Scared?! If you want to be the Luna of this pack you need to act like one! Now get your ass downstairs and help my mom with the kids!" He gave her one last glare and walked out. Lisa sat there with her mouth hanging open. Jason had never spoken to her this way.


When they arrived at the border there were wounded and dead wolves on the ground. The Beta and four remaining warriors were being attacked from all angles. Surround them! I do not want any left alive! He ran to where his Beta was on the ground, a rogue about to take his throat out. He ripped the rogue off and with one jerk he snapped it's neck. He flung it to the ground and went for the next one.

There was snarling, howling and yips of pain as the pack tore into the rogues. They were putting up a hard fight. None were backing down. The Alpha had never seen rogues like this. They usually tried to escape once they were out numbered. He saw a large scraggly brown wolf that looked like the leader. He ran for him and clamped his jaws on his hind leg and snapped it. The rogue howled with rage. He dodged just as the rouge whipped around and snapped at his neck. He lunged again and tore into his stomach. The wolf went down and shifted back, bleeding out.

The fight was over in a matter of minutes. He shifted and looked around. "Alright everyone listen up! Some of you grab the wounded and get them to the pack house. I need four to each take a dead pack wolf back. The rest of you get this mess cleaned up." His Beta came limping up to him. He had a chunk out of his leg. "Can you make it back?"

"I can feel it healing but I've lost a lot of blood." As he finished his sentence he passed out. The Alpha scooped him up and ran for the pack house.


Jason shouted to be heard over all the noise. "The battle is over, the wounded are on their way!"

For the first time he noticed a pregnant woman, sitting on the floor in the corner by the stairs. She had a blank look on her face and tears streaming down her face. He walked over slowly and knelt down in front of her. He took her hands and waited for her to speak. When she looked up at him, he saw devastation in her eyes. "H-He's gone." Mom! I need you here now! I'm by the stairs. His mother ran over and when she saw the woman she sat down and took her in her arms. She nodded to Jason. He stood up and went to help as the wounded started to arrive.

He saw his father run in and was shocked to see the Beta in his arms. "Dad what happened?"

His father shook his head. "We will have a meeting as soon as everything settles down."

Jason's not happy. Thoughts?

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