Chapter 39

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As soon as they were in his room, Kevin slid Kyra to her feet. Even with the stilettos, her forehead only came up to his chin. He cupped her face tilting her head up. His eyes were searching her face. She opened her mouth to speak and he put a finger over her lips. His hands slid down to her shoulders and under her robe, pushing it off her shoulders and to the floor. Kevin leaned down and kissed and nibbled her neck. Kyra tilted her head back to give him access. Everywhere his lips touched was blazing with fire. She gave a slight moan and Kevin growled deeply in response. He pushed her back against the door and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He continued to stare at her as if she was going to suddenly vanish. Kyra was determined not to be like some she had heard about that stopped their mate because they were scared. She was terrified but knew that Kevin would never do anything to hurt her. His eyes flicked between her eyes and lips. Kevin leaned in for another searing kiss. The electricity exploding as he explored her mouth. He walked them to the bed and sat down with Kyra straddling him. They broke the kiss breathing heavily. He could smell her arousal and he harden even more in response. Kyra could feel him through her thin panties and started to grind against him. He groaned and grabbed her hips to stop her. "Babe we have to stop."

Kyra looked hurt. "What? Why?"

He gave her a peck on the lips. "Because beautiful, I won't be able to control myself. My wolf is begging to mate and mark you."

"I don't see the problem."

"Wait. What? You want me to?" Kyra blushed and nodded.

Kevin was stunned. "Are you sure? I will wait as long as you want."

Kyra grabbed his face and gave him a searing kiss. When she pulled back she looked him in the eyes. "I don't want to wait. I want you to make me yours."

In one swift movement he had her on the bed under him. He growled when Kyra pulled the nightie up and over her head. Soon they were lost in a wave of passion.


Kyra woke with a smile, feeling his strong arms around her. She turned in his arms and looked at his sleeping face. God he was so handsome. When she thought about last night she blushed, glad he wasn't awake to see it.

"You know it's rude to stare." His morning voice was so sexy she shivered. Kevin laughed and pulled her closer as he opened his eyes. "How is my beautiful Luna this morning?" Those beautiful green eyes looked into hers and she was lost. Kevin leaned forward slowly and gave her the softest, sweetest kiss. Her heart was about to burst.

"I love you Kevin." Kevin's hesitation scared her. Did he not love her? As she started to pull away he pulled her back. Kyra's face was red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry babe. I never expected to hear you say that. I've dreamed of this moment for so long and now it's here. I love you more than anything in this world. You are my life Kyra and I will do my best to insure you are always happy and safe." Kyra's smile lit up the room and she grabbed him a kissed him hard. With as much passion as she could put into it. As she pulled back they were interrupted by a banging on the door. Kevin growled and got out of bed and threw on his pajama pants that were discarded last night. He jerked the door open angry that anyone would interrupt his time with Kyra.

"This had better be good!"

Henry stood at the door looking flustered. "I'm sorry Alpha I tried to mindlink you but you had me blocked. There are wolves at the southern border."

"You can handle rouges, why do you need me?"

"Not rouges Alpha. It's a pack."

Kevin was confused, he didn't have any meetings with another pack. "Who is it?"

"Alpha Gordon and he demands to see you and the Luna."

I'm back! Thank you guys for your kind comments and understanding while I worked through my writers block. You guys are the best!Hope you guys like this chapter. Please vote, comment, follow and share.

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