Chapter 40

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Kevin's eyes turned black and he gave a window rattling roar. "What does that idiot want now?!" Henry looked frightened at his Alpha's rage.

"He wouldn't tell me Alpha. He said he would only speak to the both of you."

Kyra knew she had to speak up quick to prevent Kevin from running out there and killing Jason and starting a war. "Kevin we need to get dressed." He looked at her and realized that she was naked under the blanket. He growled and looked at Henry.

"We will be down shortly." He slammed the door not wanting him to see his mate like this.

Kyra was angry. What the hell could he want now? They had just mated and wanted to spend the day together and he had to just come and ruin it. She jerked a sheet off the bed and wrapped it around her heading to the bathroom to get ready.



"Wear your hair up. I'll be downstairs when you're ready." Kyra nodded and headed for the shower.


Kevin dressed and went downstairs to talk to Henry. He was waiting by the front door. "Tell me how they got on my land?"

"Actually they're not Alpha. He is at the southern border but hasn't crossed. They came and waited until a partrol came and asked to speak with you."

"How many are with him?"

"He has twenty warriors. From the looks of it, they are his best. I don't know what he has planned but he came prepared."

"Get our best 20 out there and have them wait for us. Tell them to stay out of sight. You wait here at the pack house in case anything happens out there."

Henry bowed his head. "Of course Alpha."

Kevin smelled her scent and his eyes snapped to the stairs seeing his beautiful mate coming down. He smiled at her and reached out a hand as she got closer. "Ready?"

Kyra smiled as she took his hand. "Yes. Let's get this over with so we can enjoy our day." He gave her a quick kiss and they headed out the door.


Jason was pissed that they were making him wait so long. He was anxious to get this over with and get back home. His senses went on high alert when he smelled her. He frowned, something was wrong with her scent. He scowled in their direction as they broke from the trees. They were alone. He laughed to himself. This was perfect. Better than he had planned. He growled when he saw their intertwined hands.

Kevin smirked when he heard Jason growl. He squeezed Kyra's hand tighter as they got closer. They walked across the small field to the fence that enclosed the southern border. They had fenced it in years ago to keep out humans.

"Alpha Gordon what are you doing here demanding an audience with me and my mate? You know the proper procedure for speaking with another Alpha!"

Jason growled at the word mate and his eyes shifted to Kyra. The bastard had marked her! "I am here for my mate! Now if you would hand her over my business here is done."

"I am not your mate! You denied me and I rejected you! I never want to see you again! Kevin is my mate. We completed the mating last night!"

Jason was taken aback. That was the change in her scent. He looked at her neck and saw Kevin's mark. It didn't matter he would remark and mate with her. He looked at her and smirked. "Well my little mate you can come of your own choice or there could be dire consequences. Remember your parents are still in my pack. It would be a shame if something happened to them." He snickered when he saw the look of fear on Kyra's face. "I will give you until midnight. If you are not here to meet me I will have your parents in prisoned and tortured. Every day you make me wait will be another day of torture. So it is up to you. Come back and be Luna or be the cause of their death. The choice is yours."

"You bastard! I hate you! Why do you want me when you know I don't want you?!" Kevin pulled her into his arms.

"Don't worry beautiful we'll figure something out." Kyra collapsed in his arms, sobbing at the thought of her parents being tortured.

Jason made a move closer to the fence. Kevin saw the Warriors start to close in behind him. "What sweet words. Maybe I should just take her now. I think 20 to 1 are good odds."

Kevin growled. "NOW!" Kevin's fighters came out of the trees and stood between Jason and Kevin.

Jason growled at Kevin. "Midnight Kyra." He and his wolves shifted and left.

Bad Jason! Please vote, comment follow and share. Love you guys!

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