Chapter 5

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Kevin couldn't stop thinking about the kiss on the cheek, Kyra gave him last night. He had felt a spark, granted it was small but it was there. He wondered if she felt it too. Kevin hadn't felt a spark with anyone, since his mate. "Nope...can't go down that road again." Kevin shook his head vigorously. He did want to think of 'her' again.

His thoughts went back to Kyra. Maybe he should take her to dinner to celebrate her first day. Then he thought she would think it strange, since he already gave her a gift. Before he could change his mind he called and made a reservation at Abagail's. He figured the best thing to do would be to send her a text, since she had orientation until 3.

Dinner tonight. No excuse. Reservation is at 7. I'll be there to pick you up at 6:30

He smiled and was finally able to get his head around some paperwork.


Kyra was glad that today was only freshman convocation. She had never expected the size of the campus or the multitude of things she would have to do this week. She was glad her first class wasn't until next week. If there hadn't been so many complications this summer, she could have done pre-orientation. There were so many things she had not thought of. The first hurdle was to find parking. There were very few free spaces, she would have to check out the paid parking lots. Then she had to get the curriculum and go to the campus bookstore. Plus she needed to swing by the grocery store sometime this week as her options were getting low. She did not intend to put on the 'freshmen 15' by eating pizza and takeout. Even though, the summer she had, it wouldn't hurt to gain a few pounds.

Kyra sat in Tercentenary theater waiting for everything to begin. Her heart was beating fast and she couldn't keep the silly grin off her face at the excitement. Her phone vibrated and she slipped it out of her bag, looking around at others to make sure it was okay. People were texting, talking and playing games on their phones. Kyra checked the message and was surprised. She decided not to reply right away, it was something that she definitely had to think about.


It was already 2pm and Kevin still had no reply from Kyra. It was hard to get anything done, he was so distracted. He kept checking his phone every 15 minutes. Finally an hour later he heard his phone beep. Kevin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then picked up the phone.

I'll see you at 6:30. What should I wear?

Wear whatever you like. I know you will look beautiful.

Kevin sat there with a big smile. It took him a few seconds to realize that his phone was ringing. "Hello."

"Alpha Haynes, this is Alpha Gordon. I need to talk to you about Kyra Madison ."

Kevin was guarded. "What do you need to know?"

"I have reason to believe she is my son's mate."

Finally! Don't know what was wrong but Wattpad finally let me update. Pix is of Harvard Yard.

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