Chapter 35

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Kevin had slept fitfully. Getting up several times to stand by her door. Listening to her breathe and inhaling her scent. It was the only way to appease his wolf and if he were honest, himself. He told himself that he wanted to keep her close by so she didn't leave again. He got out of bed and went to his closet. Choosing shorts and a muscle shirt that showed off his muscles and tribal tattoos. Kevin wanted her to see what she had lost. He figured girls did it to guys so he would do the same. He went down to the kitchen to get some coffee. He smelled her scent before he walked in the room and his wolf was yipping at being so close. Kyra sat at the counter with her head down and a cup of coffee in front of her. Her hair was a curtain hiding her face. He got his coffee and sat down across from her. Her eyes were closed and she would occasionally lift her head to take a sip of coffee, never opening her eyes. "Kyra? Are you okay?" Finally opening her eyes she looked towards him. If felt like she was looking right through him.

"I'm fine. Never better Alpha." There was something in her tone that told him it was a lie. He studied her for a moment longer before speaking again.

"Today you will be working in my office. I need you to go online and order replacements for the things that were damaged."

"Some of those things were antiques, I don't know if there are anymore like them."

"I trust you to find suitable items. They don't have to be the same." Kyra flinched at the word trust. "Do you want some breakfast?"

Kyra felt queasy at the thought. "No thanks, I'm fine. Should I go ahead to your office and get started?"

"No. You will need me to log you in. Just sit and finish your coffee." Kevin got up to start making breakfast. Kyra could't help staring at him. When he was right in front of her it took all her will power not to drool. He looked amazing. She had never seen him dress so casual. His muscles rippled with every movement. Aria was purring. Kyra shook her head and went back to staring at her cup. The pounding headache was leaving thanks to the handful of aspirin that she took. She was surrounded by his scent and it was driving her crazy.

"Alpha I need to run to my room. I'll meet you at your office, If that is okay?"

He didn't even look up from what he was doing. "Thirty minutes." Kyra quickly got up and left the kitchen.

Kevin breathed a sigh of relief. Her scent and nearness was testing his control. He was just about to stop what he was doing and pull her into his arms, when she spoke. He didn't dare speak more than a couple words, knowing he would lose control.


Kyra ran up to her room and sat down on the bed. What the hell was he doing dressed like that? Her heart had started pounded at the sight of him. Was he trying to make her crazy?! Then a wicked smile crossed her face. Kyra ran to her dresser and started rummaging through the drawers. When she found what she was looking for, she ran into the bathroom to change. She put her hair up in a high ponytail and grinned at herself. "Game on Alpha!"


Kevin sat on the sofa with papers spread out on the coffee table. It would be easier at his desk but Kyra needed to be there to use the computer. He smelled her before she knocked on the door. He closed his eyes and inhaled, calming his wolf before letting her in. "Come in." Kevin kept his head down afraid to look at her directly. His plan was ruined when she came to stand in front of him. He almost lost it when all he saw before him was legs. Bare, long, tan legs. He followed the legs up slowly until he reached her face. Kyra was wearing hot pink short shorts and matching tank top with a low cut that showed a generous amount of cleavage. She had a big smile on her face. Kevin swallowed hard to keep from drooling. His wolf was howling and yipping. He looked back down at his papers before he spoke. "The computer is all set and logged in. If you have any questions let me know."

"Okay Alpha." Her voice was really chipper and he frowned. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her swaying her hips as she walked slowly to the desk. That combined with her scent was more than he could take. Without a word he got up and left, slamming the door. Kyra giggled. "Kyra 1...Alpha 0."

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