Chapter 17

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Kyra woke up with a smile on her face. Shivering at the thought of the kisses they shared last night. She giggled softly when she heard Tia start snoring. She grabbed her phone and started recording. She was grinning so hard her face hurt at the thought of posting it on Facebook. Then again she could save it for blackmail later. Tia snorted and Kyra almost fell off the bed laughing. Tia pulled the pillow over her head. "Shut up Kyra there's no class today and I wanna sleep."

"No lazybones. I want to go shopping after breakfast."

Tia perked up, head popping from under the pillow. "Shopping?"

Kyra looked at her with wide eyes and wiggled her eyebrows. "The mall. Time for a little retail therapy."

"Are you serious? What about class?" Tia asked as she sat up and stretched.

"I talked to Kevin last night. He is going to speak with the Dean. I'll do my work online, since I don't have any labs this semester."

"That's great. But why?"

"This way I'm not stuck here and can move around to avoid Jason. I'm even considering moving to the pack house, until he leaves."

"Why don't you just tell him to get out?"

"I can't. He owns this apartment."

"Crap! Then I guess your plan is best."

"Now get up! Go shower while I make breakfast."

Tia saluted her. "Yes ma'am!" Kyra pushed her off the bed and walked out.

Kyra walked into the kitchen humming to herself. She was getting all the ingredients for breakfast, when Jason walked in. She felt him before she saw him. She decided to change her tactics with him. Be nice and let him down easy, instead of avoiding him. "Good morning Jason. Would you like some breakfast?" Jason was shocked. He thought he would have to force her to talk to him.

"Um...sure, I guess."

"Great! Where's Lisa? Do you think she might want breakfast too?"

"I don't know. I slept on the couch last night. She is probably still asleep."

"Okay then, I'll just make extra in case she wakes up. Coffee will be ready in a minute, why don't you sit down."

Jason could only stare at her. He wasn't sure how to start a conversation with her. She was humming and seemed happy. He cleared his throat. "What time do you go to class?"

Kyra walked over with a cup of coffee. "No classes today. Tia and I are going shopping." She turned back to finish cooking. She was having a harder time than she thought. His scent was so alluring, like pine, leather and a hint of orchid. She just wanted to grab him and inhale. Kyra stop it! You are with Kevin now! What is wrong with you! She had to mentally scold herself.

Breakfast was almost ready when Tia came strolling in. Jason mentally cursed. He was hoping to have some time alone with her. "Wow! It smells good!" She tried to sneak a piece of bacon and Kyra popped her hand.

"Go get some coffee and sit down." Tia grumbled about someone being a meanie but did as she was told.

Kyra dished up everyone a plate and sat down beside Jason. Tia raised an eyebrow at her and she just smirked.

"So...Jason. Would you like to go shopping with us?" Jason was at first surprised, then smiled at her.

"Yeah that'd be fun."

Kyra winked at Tia and dug into her food.


Kevin was ambushed by Marcus as soon as he got into his office. Marcus walked in without permission and Kevin growled. Marcus acted as if he didn't hear it.

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