Chapter 43

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Councilman Grey sat in the Alpha chair looking at the man across from him. He didn't seem nervous like the Beta was. He was smiling and friendly. It could be an act and he would shortly find out. "Gamma Andrew as you have probably heard from your Beta we are here for an inspection." Andy nodded still smiling. "Before we begin with the pack house, I would like to ask you some questions."

"Of course councilman anything I can do to help and please call me Andy." Grey watched his body language. Still calm. No signs of nervousness at the mention of inspecting the pack house.

"It's a pity Alpha Jason isn't here for this. Beta Mitch didn't mention where he went."

"I'm sure he would have been here if he had known. He had some important pack negotiations in Virginia."


"Yes. There is a Alpha whose daughter's mate died and he was going to see if he could arrange a marriage with her. This pack needs a Luna." He looked sad at the last part. Grey knew this was the story he had been told and he had no part in what had taken place.

"Andy what kind of training have you had as Gamma?"

"I have trained on everything including Beta and Alpha duties."


Andy smiled proudly. "Yes. My father is an Alpha. I was trained with my older brother in case something happened to him and I would need to take over."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"My mate, Katy, is from this pack and didn't want to leave her family. Since there was already an Alpha heir and Beta in this pack I was given the position of Gamma."

Grey smiled. Now they wouldn't have to worry about finding a replacement for the Alpha position.


They were a mile from the meeting place and Kyra paced nervously. They had their fighters in place and were waiting on a call from Alpha Soren. Kyra's mind was going through all the possible things that could go wrong. She had already made up her mind that if it meant keeping Kevin alive, she would go with Jason. Kyra had to bite her lip to keep from crying at the thought. She felt warm arms wrap around her and leaned back into his muscular chest. The electricity at his touch soothing her.

Kevin leaned in and kissed her neck. "Don't worry beautiful everything is going to be okay. I will always love and protect you." Kyra turned in his arms and laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. She wanted to savor this moment in case anything went wrong. Kevin tightened his arms around her and stroked her back. The beautiful moment was broken by the ringing of his phone.

"Hello? Okay. Thanks." Kevin ended the call and looked down at her. "Alpha Soren and his men are in place. Jason is waiting at the fence. Are you ready?" Kyra didn't trust her voice and only nodded. Kevin pulled her in for a slow deep kiss. Putting everything he felt for her into it. Kyra moaned at the sensations going through her. They pulled apart breathless. She pecked his lips one last time and headed for the tree line.

As soon as she cleared the trees she saw him standing by the fence, arms crossed and a smile on his face. She want to walk over and slap it off his face. Kyra walked slowly across the field to the fence, keeping in mind that she wasn't suppose to get close enough that he could grab her. She stopped a few feet before the fence. Taking a deep breath she spoke. "Why are you doing this Jason? You can't expect me to be with someone who would hurt my parents."

Jason gave a low growl. "You are mine. The moon goddess gave you to me and he will not have you." His teeth were clenched and he was breathing heavily.

Kyra decided it was best to change the subject. "Where are my parents?"

"They're being looked after. When we return you will be able to see them."

Kyra was about to speak when Jason growled and jumped the fence. Before she could react he had her in his arms with her back to her chest and an arm tightly around her waist. When she looked up Kevin, Henry, Tommy and the fighters were coming across the field. She heard a click and something was pressed against her head. Jason yelled at the approaching men. "Stop now or I will kill her!"

Kevin paused and looked at him. "How could you kill someone you say you Love?"

Jason laughed. "Do you think I am really that stupid. If I let her go you will kill me. If I die she dies."

Kyra stuttered. "P-Please J-Jason you don't want to do this."

He ignored her his gaze still locked with Kevin's. "Listen Haynes. These bullets are coated in wolfsbane. One shot and there is no saving her."

Kevin was shaking with fury. "NOW! All hell broke loose as Soren's fighters and Kevin's rushed Jason's men. Jason spun around in a circle gripping Kyra tighter.

"Jason you're hurting me!"

"Shut up! I need to think!"

There was a loud growl behind them and when they turned Kevin in wolf form Leapt towards them. In an instant there was a gun shot and Kyra screamed.

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