Chapter 26

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Kevin was beyond relieved when they pulled up in front of the pack house. This had been the longest 2 days he could ever remember. As soon as the cars stopped he saw Tommy jump from the car and practically run to the pack house. Josh got out laughing. He would definitely have a talk with them both. Henry opened the door and reached for Kyra. Kevin growled and he stepped back. He couldn't stand the thought of another male touching her. His strength was about 80% and he was determined to carry her inside. "Call the pack doctor and have him come to my room." Kevin got out of the SUV and then scooped her in his arms. By the time he reached his room on the third floor he felt dizzy and his arms were trembling from the exertion of trying to hold Kyra up. He laid her on the bed and collapsed beside her, breathing deeply. He realized that he was not as recovered as he had thought.

There was a knock on the frame of the open door. Kevin opened his eyes and looked towards the door. It was the pack doctor. "Come on in Doc."

"Alpha I heard of your situation. You will just have to wait until your wolf has recovered. Rest and you should be fine by morning."

"I'm not worried about me. It's Kyra. She was being treated for an overdose of wolfsbane and a sedative. Then she was marked without her consent. She's been unconscious since this morning."

"Was the one who marked her, her mate?"

"He denied her! He is no longer her mate!" Kevin growled.

The doctor held up his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry Alpha. The only reason I asked is because it will affected how long she is unconscious. If it were any other wolf she would be out for about 12 hours and the mark would fade within 2 days. With it being her mate she will be out until morning, roughly 24 hours. The mark will fade in about a week. I'm going to need to take some blood in order to determine what she is going to need for the overdose, if anything at all."

"I apologize Doc. It's been a stressful few days. She is my mate and not his. I was going to talk to you about this, before everything happened. Kyra and I both lost our mates through rejection as you know. I feel the mate pull to her and the touch. She told me she felt it too."

"It's not unheard of. Only with Alphas though. I've never seen anyone of lower rank with a second mate." Kevin looked at Kyra and reached over and caressed her face.

"I can still feel it but not as strong as before."

"It should return as the mark fades. If you will excuse me Alpha I need to get some things to take her blood."

"Of course. Whatever you need to do."

"I'm going to send someone up with food. You need to eat and rest." Kevin nodded and the doctor left.

As soon as he left there was a knock at the door. Kevin didn't even have the chance to close his eyes. He sighed. "Come in." The door opened and Lisa timidly stepped inside.

"I'm sorry to bother you Alpha. I wanted to see how Kyra was doing." Kevin was shocked at her appearance. Her eyes were so swollen they looked like someone punched her. Her face was blotchy and her nose was red. It reminded him of when Kyra first arrived.

Kevin sat up against the headboard. "Lisa come over here and sit." She slowly stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed, by his feet. "Tell me who he is. I know by how you reacted it is either Josh or Tommy." Lisa put her head in her hands and began to cry. Deep gut wrenching sobs. Kevin moved down the bed and pulled her into his arms. "Please Lisa tell me who he is. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. I can't imagine someone would reject you."

"He hates me!" Then she started sobbing again.

"I don't think that is true. You said he was happy to meet you. Maybe it is something else. Please tell me who it is so I can straighten this out."

Her sobs had morphed into hiccups. "T-Tommy." He continued to rub her back and calm her down.

"I want you to go shower, eat and rest. I will find out what is going on."

Lisa nodded and looked at Kyra. "How is she?"

"She will be fine. Doc said she would sleep until morning. Now go do like I said." Lisa got up and left. Kevin laid down and closed his eyes. No surprise there was another knock on the door. He gave a frustrated sigh and sat up. "Come in." Maria came in with a tray of food. Steak, roasted potatoes and a salad. His stomach grumbled at the sight. Kevin couldn't remember the last full meal he had eaten. "Thank you Maria, could you place it on the coffee table."

"Would you like anything else Alpha?" She smiled at him. "Maybe dessert? We have chocolate cake."

Just the thought had his mouth watering. "Yes please." She nodded and left.


Tommy sat by Tia's bed holding her hand. "I wish you would wake up, I really need some advice. I found my mate. She is absolutely beautiful and smells like violets." He gave a small smile and then sighed. "But there's a problem. It's Lisa. The girl who caused all this mess. Remember telling me how annoying she was? I bet you would be laughing if you were awake. But that's the problem you're not and I blame it on her as well as that idiot Alpha and his son. But more important is the fact she was going to mate with someone not her true mate. Which means when we eventually met she would of rejected me. Please wake up and tell me what to do." Tommy sighed and laid his head on the side of her bed, falling asleep.


Kyra woke to sunlight peeking through the curtains and hitting her face. She looked around confused, the room was unfamiliar. She smelled a familiar scent but couldn't quite place it. Kyra felt a weight around her waist and looked down. There was an arm around her. She followed the arm around and looked over her shoulder. Kevin. At first she was excited then instantly changed to something strange. It felt wrong to be here with him.

Aria? Are you there?

I'm weak. must rest. where is our mate? I need him.

I don't know. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you. Kevin will help. Aria? Are you listening?

The Alphas were talking about the council inquiry, Mitch wasn't listening. His mind was wandering, thinking about Kyra. He would have to come up with a plan to get her back. The pack needed their Luna and he wanted Kevin to pay for killing the Alpha. He smiled at the thought of revenge.

Alright my lovelies if I get at least 20 votes per chapter I will do double updates. So please vote, comment, follow and share.

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