Chapter 3

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Jason lay in bed watching Lisa sleep. She was still beautiful with her long blond hair, blue eyes, perky nose and full lips, but he couldn't help comparing her to Kyra.It had been a month and the bond was still there. At times his heart would ache and he knew it was Kyra he was feeling. His own heart ached for her. His wolf was no longer speaking to him and refused to shift. He could only hear it's painful howls asking for his mate. Jason had problems sleeping, eating and functioning. He worried that Kyra was feeling the same. If he had known it would be like this he may have chosen differently. Whenever he kissed Lisa the spark wasn't there anymore. He still loved her and would never hurt her but, the love was not as strong anymore. It was at times almost a brotherly affection. Some days it took all his willpower not to hop on a plane and go to Kyra. He knew that Lisa loved him but wondered how she would feel if she met her True Mate. Would she forsake hers for him, as he did with Kyra.

Jason sighed and got out of bed, careful not to wake Lisa and went downstairs. He went into the office and sat at the desk, this had become a nightly routine. Jason poured a glass of bourbon, unlocked the bottom drawer and took out the picture. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then took a gulp of the bourbon. Jason turned the picture over and stared at it while he downed his drink. It was of Kyra at graduation.

Mitch had taken the picture and Jason found it in his room. He slipped it into his pocket while his Beta was in the shower. It was all he had left of her, his beautiful mate. Her long red hair and sparkling grey eyes. Her cute smile and nose. Her perfect body. He had even began to daydream about what their pups would look like. Every part of her was made just for him. If only he had held her just one time. But he knew that if he did, he would not be able to let her go. Jason wondered if she thought about him as much as he thought about her. Tears began to fall and he wiped them away with the back of his hand. He kissed the picture and placed it back, locked the drawer and poured another drink. Tonight he decided that he was going to drink until he passed out. Maybe then he could sleep.


Lisa heard him leave the room. He had been doing this every night for a week. She knew he was hurting because of the bond. She got out of bed and followed his scent downstairs. As she approached the office the door was opened a crack. When Lisa looked in she was stunned. She put her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out. She shook her head from side to side, this could not be happening. He was drinking and tears were rolling down his face. He had a picture in his hand, that he looked at so lovingly. She knew it was Kyra.

Lisa moved away quietly. She went back upstairs and crawled into bed, then she let the tears flow. Lisa knew she was not his true mate but she had loved him for so long. She could not imagine her life without him. Maybe it was selfish but she didn't care. He was hers and she would not give him up. Not even to her best friend. Lisa knew what she had to do, she would talk to the Alpha in the morning.


Alpha Gordon knew there was something wrong. His son did not act like someone newly mated. He was tired and unfocused much of the time. He had not even marked or mated Lisa yet. Jason said she was not ready and he was giving her time. How could the girl not be ready? All she talked about was being his mate and having his pups.

Then Kyra left suddenly and turned up at Alpha Haynes pack, the night of the mating. Jason said she wanted to get settled before school. He had tried to call Kyra and her phone was off. Things were just not adding up.

First thing tomorrow he would make Jason sit down and tell him the truth about what was going on.


Jason stumbled up the stairs. He walked to her room and stood outside the door. He fumbled with the door and walked inside. Jason closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he could still smell her scent, Cherries and vanilla. He made his way to the bed and lay down, pulling her pillow next to him to inhale her scent. His wolf howled and whined at his mate's scent. "Kyra I miss you so much. I don't think I can go through with mating Lisa." Jason passed out and that's where his father found him the next morning.

Pix is of Jason. So? What do you guys think of Jason? Vote, comment, follow, share.

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