Chapter 7

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Kyra jumped out of the shower and quickly dried off. She wrapped her hair in a towel and rushed out of her bathroom into the closet. It had taken her longer at the bookstore than she thought. So, here she was now rushing to get ready. She was just thankful that Tia had forced her to go shopping last week or she wouldn't have anything to wear .

Kyra flicked thru the dresses in her closet. "!" It was a cream colored silk dress with a lace overlay. It came to just above her knees. She chose red heels, a red and silver evening bag and a ruby and silver necklace with matching drop earrings. Kyra glanced at the clock on her nightstand. "5:30! Shit!" She hurriedly put on underwear and ran to the bathroom to dry her hair. She dried her hair and put it up in a braided bun. Finally 45 minutes later she was dressed and had makeup on.


Kevin sat outside her apartment, excited and nervous. He had to take in long breaths to calm himself. It would not do for him to appear at her door like a goofy teenager. When he was sure he was in control, he exited the car and went inside.

On the ride up in the elevator his wolf was coaching him. We like her. Her scent makes us happy. Don't say anything stupid.

I'm not going to say anything stupid. Shut up! His wolf snorted and moved away.

Kevin rang the doorbell and took a cleansing breath. When the door swung open he could not believe his eyes. " look amazing." His voice was deep and husky.

Kyra blushed and looked down. "Thank you Kevin." Kevin put a finger under her chin and lifted her face. When she looked at his face, he was smiling and his eyes were dark. Her wolf was chanting, he likes us, over and over like a little kid. Kyra cleared her throat and stepped back. "Come on in, I'll just be another minute."

Kevin couldnt stop smiling. He walked into the living room to wait. See, I told you she liked us. Her wolf was purring. Don't say or do anything stupid to mess this up.

Again with the advice. SHUT UP! Stupid wolf! Hiswolf snorted and Kevin rolled his eyes.

"I'm ready."

Kevinoffered her his arm. She wrapped her arm around his and they started for the door. He couldn't help but smile as he felt the spark again.


Kyra was surprised when they walked into the restaurant. The maître D bowed and greeted Kevin with a whisper. "Welcome Alpha, your table is ready." He showed them to a table in the back. It was set with a bouquet of white rosebuds and candles. There was a bottle of chilled champagne beside the table. "I hope everything is to your satisfaction."

"Thank you August. It's perfect."

"I'll send someone shortly for your order."

Kevin pulled out Kyra's chair, once she was seated, he sat down and smiled at her. "Champagne Miss college student?"

It took her a moment to respond. "Oh..sorry..yes." As he poured the champagne, see found her voice. "Kevin this place is amazing. You didn't have to do all this." She waved her hand across the table.

"Yes I did. This may be your last time of pampering for the next 4yrs. Plus it's not everyday that a pack member gets into medical school." He saw the slight twinge of disappointment on her face. It only lasted a second. He knew he had to act quickly. "Besides, I like you Kyra." She gave him a heart stopping smile and her eyes sparkled. "Alright, let's have a toast to the future and...possibilities."

She blushed as she raised her glass. "To possibilities." They clinked their glasses.

After the waiter took their orders, there was an awkward moment of silence. "So how old are you?" Kyra blurted.

Kevin laughed. "I'm 23."

"Huh...younger than I thought. How long have you been Alpha?"

"I took over two years ago."

"Where are your parents, I haven't seen them at the pack house?"

"Well, when I took the position they decided they wanted to travel. I believe they are currently in Italy."

"I have always wanted to go abroad."

"Maybe when you're finished with college we could take a trip." He saw the look of confusion on her face. "What I mean is, as a celebration of your graduation."

She smiled. "That would be great!"

"Where is the first place you would like to go?"

"I'll have to think about that. I've always wanted to see London but I also want to go to Spain or maybe Ireland, since that is where my grandparents came from. I have family in the pack there that I've never met." Kyra's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Kevin laughed at her enthusiasm. "It seems we will have to make it a tour instead of a single trip."

Kyra looked down shyly. "You would do that for me?"

He reached across the table and took her hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Of course I would." He loved the feel of her hand in his. The sparks were a bonus.

Kyra looked up at him. She could see the truthfulness in his eyes and something else she could not place. She slipped her hand out of his. Somehow it felt wrong.

Kevin cleared his throat. He had to lighten the mood. "So...tell me how today went."

"It was exciting! There were speeches, music and I got my Harvard pin!" The serious mood had passed and she was grateful.

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Sorry this update was so late. I had to drive through Dallas at rush hour, in the rain. Not pretty 😒

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