Chapter 2

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Kevin stepped out of the elevator and walked slowly to the door. He took a couple of deep breaths to steel himself for what he had to do and rang the doorbell. For 2 weeks she had denied the rejection, begging to go home to her mate.

The door opened slowly. "Hi". She held the door open for him. Kyra was still a wreck. Red swollen eyes with dark circles underneath.

"We need to talk." He walked past her and into the living room. There were boxes of empty tissue and a trash can overflowing with used Kleenex. The coffee table was littered with empty bottles of alcohol.

"Sit down!" His voice was hard. Kyra blinked. This was not the man she had come to know. Where was the quiet reassuring voice. Kyra sat on the sofa watching him pacing in front of the TV.

"Kyra this will stop today! When are you going to stop crying for a man who does not want you?! He loves Lisa, not you! He will never love you! If he wanted you he would of never forced you to leave!" Kyra gasped at the harshness of his words. "Now...there is a pack meeting tonight and you will attend. Go shower and get dressed. We leave in one hour!" Kevin used his Alpha voice. She rose from the sofa and left the room.

Kevin shook his head and with a sharp intake of breath, he left to get a trash bag to clean up the mess.


Kyra stepped out of the shower angry. She could not believe how cruel he was.

She got dressed and started braiding her hair, it was almost to her knees, silky and deep red with ashy blond highlights. For the first time in 2 weeks she looked in the mirror.

Gone was the beautiful girl she used to be. The person in the mirror had pale skin, hollow grey eyes with deep dark circles underneath, colorless lips and gaunt cheekbones. The sight almost had her running from the room screaming.

She hurriedly dressed in jeans, a white T-shirt and pink hoodie. She grabbed her pink converse and put them on. She took a deep breath and pulled the hood over her head, before going into the living room.

"Much better. Lets go." Kyra kept her head down as she followed him out the door.


Kyra had remained quiet, huddled against the car door. Kevin finally broke the silence. "The pack house is about an hour north of the city. I think you will really like it. We have some great people in the pack your age. Two will be attending Harvard with you." Kyra did not move or respond. He sighed shaking his head.

45 minutes later they arrived at the pack house. He turned off the car and just sat with his hands on the wheel. Kyra gave him a quick glance. Finally he sighed. "I am doing this for your own good. When we get inside you will socialize. You will not be rude to anyone. You will participate in the meeting." Kevin used his Alpha voice, she had no choice but to Obey.

She turned to him with a glare. "Yes Alpha."

"Alright let's go." Kyra got out of the car and followed him inside.


Kevin was at the podium. Kyra sat in the front row, angry. He pulled her up front when he saw her slipping into the back row. It was bad enough that he pulled Alpha on her and made her come. Now she had to be where everyone could see her. She had tuned him out while she sat brooding, then realized someone was calling her. "Kyra!" She looked up to see Alpha Kevin staring at her with a frown. "Could you please come up on the platform."

Kyra rose slowly and walked up to the platform with a deep blush. "Everyone I would like you to meet Kyra Madison. She will be joining our pack while she attends Harvard." Everyone smiled and applauded. The Alpha held up his hand and everyone went quiet as he turned to me. He reached for my hand and made a shallow cut on the palm of my hand. He then cut his palm and clasped hands with me. "Kyra Madison do you pledge your loyalty to this pack and its people?" I took a deep breath and looked at him. I knew this was the moment that my life would change. I had to let go of the past. "I pledge my loyalty." I could feel the mingling of our blood as the pledge was made. Then he spoke through the mind link, everything is going to be okay. I looked up at him and he smiled.

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