Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to Daliababy. She guessed my writing place, The bathroom. when the kids are here it's the only quiet place in the house 😃

For the first time in months, Kyra was excited. School starts tomorrow. She would finally realize her dream of going to Harvard Medical School. The last three months had been hard but with Kevin and her friends help, she got a little bit stronger everyday. Tia and Tommy were her new best friends. They met at the first pack meeting and had been friends ever since. Tia and Tommy were twins. They had black hair and brown eyes, perfect noses and bow lips. They both looked like models.

Kyra went in the kitchen to start dinner. The twins would be there soon. She decided on something simple. Spaghetti. Everyone likes spaghetti, right? Everything was almost ready when she heard the knock at the door.

"Lets us in we're Hungry! I smell food!" Tommy was yelling through the door. Kyra snickered and just stood there. When he had whined and begged enough, she finally opened the door.

"Hey guys! You're here?!" She was suppressing the urge to laugh.

Tommy pushed inside with a scowl. "You knew we were out there! Your a wolf! Don't tell me you couldn't hear me!" Tia and Kyra laughed at him. "Whatever!" He stalked off to the kitchen, the girls laughing behind him.


Kevin stood outside the door, present in hand, hesitant to ring the doorbell. Maybe I should just leave it outside the door. That's really stupid. Arghhhh! Okay Kevin you're an Alpha so don't act like a wimp. Great I'm talking to myself! He reached forward slowly and rang the bell. The door swung open and he was surprised to see Tommy. Kevin frowned.

"Hey Alpha!" Tommy had a big smile.

"Tommy. Is Kyra here?"

"Sure...come on in. Hey Kyra the Alphas here!"

He heard Kyra walking down the hall toward the door. When she came around the corner she had a big smile on her face and her eyes were twinkling. "Alpha Kevin...I wasn't expecting you."

Tommy still stood there with a grin on his face. Kyra glared at him and he held up his hands in surrender and went back to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry Kyra I didn't realize that you would be busy. I just came to give you this." He pushed the present at her nervously. "It's to celebrate your first day."

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that. Come in, we're just about to eat."

"I don't want to intrude."

"Don't be silly. You're always welcome here. I wouldn't of made it this far if it wasn't for you."

Kevin walked behind her into the kitchen. Tia and Tommy sat at the counter with plates of food. Tommy was already half way through his first plate. Kyra glared at him with her hands on her hips. "You pig! Why didn't you wait for us?" Tommy just grinned with a mouthful of food. "That's disgusting!" Kevin and Tia laughed.

Tia shook her head. "I tried to tell him and he said you already made him wait too long." Tia giggled.

Kevin laughed. "Its fine. We can't keep a growing wolf from his food."

"I'm sorry Alpha Kevin. Lets grab a plate before he eats it all." She glared at Tommy again. He pretended to ignored her and kept eating.


After the kitchen was cleaned everyone went into the living room. "Okay Kyra...are you ready?" Tia held up a bag and shook it.

"More than ready, lets do this!"

Kevin was curious. "What are you doing?"

"Cutting my hair."

Kevin and Tommy both yelled. "What?!" Kevin couldn't believe she was cutting off her beautiful hair.

"Seriously guys, it's just hair and it is getting too long to manage. I decided to donate it to Locks Of Love." Kyra was smiling. "Besides I am starting a new life and medical school. I want to simplify things."

"Come stand over here Kyra. How short do you want it?" Tia had a gleam in her eyes.

"Just to my waist. That should be short enough to manage." Kevin let out a sigh of relief, at least she wasn't cutting it all off. He loved her beautiful hair. Wait a minute did i just say loved. He gave himself a mental shake.

Tia got out a hair band and put in Kyra's hair. She held up the scissors and smiled. "Here goes." Kyra squeezed her eyes shut, listening to the sound of the scissors cutting her hair. "All done!" Tia held up the hair like a trophy. Kyra opened her eyes.

"Wow! That's a lot of hair." She ran her hands through her hair to make sure Tia hadn't taken too much.

"Do you want to open your present now?" Kevin hoped she liked it.

"I almost forgot!" Kyra ran to the kitchen to retrieve the gift.

"Hurry I want to see." Tia was bouncing like a 5yr old.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm opening it. Geez."Kyra opened the present and gasped.

"Oh. My. God! It's Prada!" Tia squealed.

Inside the box was a black Prada messenger bag. She was speechless. "I hope you like it. I asked some of the girls at the pack house and they said this is the one."

"I love it! Thank you so much!" Kyra ran to Kevin and gave him a hug and then kissed him on the cheek. She stepped back and blushed.

Tia punched Tommy. "Come on it's time to go."

"Why? I thought we were having dessert." Tia glared at him and motioned her head towards Kyra. "Oh gotta go."

Kyra turned quickly. "You guys don't have to leave."

Tia was already dragging Tommy to the door. "We've got a long drive and I still need to get my stuff ready for tomorrow." Before Kyra could say anything else they were out the door.

Kyra turned back and looked at Kevin with a blush. He was smiling.

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