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An hour has passed since I have killed the ninja and I now have enough chakra to heal the wounds I have received. I first healed the scratch on my cheek then I started healing the wound on my shoulder. Both healed much quicker than usual which I was grateful for. But there was one problem, there was a line still on my shoulder even after the wound was completely healed. It was light in color and kind of bumpy.

"System, what's this?"

[That is a scar.]

"A scar? I thought they were red and bumpy not whatever this is."

[What host just described was a keloid scar. It is most commonly used in fictional works to show users that a certain character has a scar. What host has is a hypertrophic scar. It is similar to a keloid, but the skin isn't raised that high.]

'... Did I have a mini crash course on types of scars?'


"Good to know... What about the color? I thought it was supposed to be reddish pink."

[Host does not have enough skill to restore the lost pigment, causing it to become light in color. Moreover, I doubt host's body can produce a large quantity of pigment.]

"... Was that an insult or compliment? Because I honestly can't tell..."

[It was neither. I believe comment is the right word.]

"... Ok, so I have a scar with little to no pigment... Cool."

After taking one last look at my newly acquired scar, I start walking. Again. A few hours passed I could barely see the sun through the horizon. The sky was becoming darker and darker as seconds pass, but the temperature is barely dropping. Sometimes I regret leaving the land of water. The temperature there is something I'm used to both in this life and the last. The temperature here is just... Too warm.

But putting that aside, once the sky darkened, I started looking around for a place to rest. Ten minutes passed and I finally found a good place. It was a ten-minute walk away from the path I was walking, and it was hidden behind some shrubbery. After eating, I went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up, stretched, then headed to the border. This day was uneventful. The next day was also uneventful. Ok, it was a little eventful. I finally made it to the border. I celebrated for a few moments before calming down. I looked for a place to rest and well, rested. The next morning after I woke up, I summoned my trustworthy summons. Once they were flying around me, I started walking.

"Well this is a surprise; you usually don't summon us for a few months."

"Well, I need help." I said as I outstretched my hand and let Rumi land on it.

"I haven't received m-"

"Later, I promise."

I sent her my usual smile which probably doesn't look that trustworthy. A few seconds passed by before she answered.

"Do you promise?"

"Of course! I'm a very trustworthy person that keeps promises."

"... Your facial expression tells me otherwise."

"This is my usual smile; you should know that."

"I am, anyways what do you want us to do?"

"So, there's this organization I want to join... Not as an actual member, but an associate."

"Why an associate? You are the type of person to want to be a member."

"Well, unfortunately, I am incapable of pulling a compressed ball of chakra out of my ass. And if I were able to, I would not go through the trouble of playing dead and looking for the organization."

"I see, I didn't think about that..."

"Did you think I was strong or something? If so, then you're wrong. I'm not."

"I am well aware that you are not strong. Your chakra reserves speak for itself." Hearing this, I gasped and feigned a hurt expression.

"It's true, you cannot deny it."

"I know but you don't have to rub it in..."

"I did no such thing. I only stated the truth."

"... Ok, so as I stated before, there's an organization I want to be a part of. Its name is Akatsuki. It was originally made by three Amegakure orphans to bring peace to Amegakure. But tragedy struck and the leader was killed. A man-child who calls himself Tobi took control of the organization but in actuality, a plant-man called Zetsu was controlling him. And there was someone else controlling Zetsu w-"

"I don't need the whole history of the Akatsuki. Just tell us what you need us to do."

"Oh, ok. I need you guys to keep an eye for people in black cloaks with red clouds, a man with an orange mask, a black and white being with a Venus flytrap on them, and trees made out of paper. If any one of you find any of those I want to be notified."

"I see, but how will we notify you? If we unsummon ourselves, we will lose track of them and if we track them, we will not be able to notify you."

"I already have that figured out. You guys will be going in pairs of two, so if any of you find any of those I previously mentioned, one of you can unsummon yourselves while the other follows."

"I see... What about the ninth one? If you summoned us with the intent to make pairs then did you accidentally summon the ninth?"

"No, I summoned nine on purpose."


"And since it seems like you're the only one without a pair, you are my partner." I stopped walking and showed Rumi the pairs of butterflies flying around us.

"It seems like that's the case... Not that I have a problem with it."

"That's good to hear. Now off you guys go."

As soon as those words left my mouth, they flew away in different directions. Once I couldn't see any of them, I started walking.

"So, where are we going?"

"I don't know."


So... I'm not dead. Anyways, I don't really have a good knowledge on medical shit. I just google things for a few minutes then call it a day. 

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